What can I expect during a NAD IV treatment?
Our nurse will arrive at your location of choice with all the equipment necessary for the appointment. They will then administer the IV into your arm and stay with you to monitor the treatment and answer any questions you may have.
We recommend choosing a comfortable place for NAD treatments for your infusion. You can sit back, watch a movie or a favorite show, browse social media, or even work while the treatment is in progress.
What sets Drip Hydration apart from other NAD IV treatment providers?
Drip Hydration brings appointments directly to you whether you are at home, at a hotel, or at the office. We make getting NAD IV treatments easy and convenient, saving you the time and hassle of sitting in traffic or waiting in a clinic.
Is NAD right for me?
You don’t have to wait until you are experiencing a medical condition to enjoy the benefits of NAD IV therapy. NAD plays a role in hundreds of chemical functions throughout your body. This versatile treatment helps promote whole-body wellness and can help your body maintain optimal performance over time.
Is IV therapy FDA approved?
IV therapy in general is FDA approved. Our nurses are overseen by our Medical Director, Abe Malkin, and every nurse is registered and certified per state standards.
Is NAD safe?
NAD is considered a dietary supplement, not a drug. The FDA does not currently evaluate dietary supplements in their current regulations. However, NAD is well-tolerated, meaning that there are rarely side effects.
How long do IV treatments take?
The number of NAD IV sessions vary by individual and will be determined during your initial consultation.
How often can I get an NAD treatment?
NAD IV treatments are most effective when used over time. You can get treatments several times per month unless you are otherwise advised during your initial consultation.
What can I expect to feel after a NAD IV drip?
Following a NAD IV drip, most patients feel more energetic, clearer-headed, and focused. Regular treatments may improve these effects over time.
Is there any downtime or recovery after a NAD drip?
Not at all! You can resume your normal activities immediately after your appointment.
How is IV NAD better than an oral NAD supplement?
IV NAD is delivered directly into your bloodstream, where it becomes available to your cells for immediate use. Because NAD bypasses the digestive and metabolic systems, you can expect a 100% absorption rate for maximum effect and minimal waste. Oral supplements, on the other hand, must pass through your digestive system, where they are partly metabolized before your body has access to orally given NAD.
What is the difference between a NAD IV and a vitamin drip?
Our vitamin drips are specially blended to help improve a variety of symptoms and ailments. Our NAD+ Boost treatments contain NAD that can help repair cellular damage, boost energy levels, and more, as well as vitamins that can help make this IV more effective with longer-lasting effects.
Do I need any special supplies for my NAD IV appointment?
No, you do not need any special supplies. Our nurse will bring everything needed for the appointment.