woman doing a squat with a barbell

Sermorelin For Muscle Development: A Comprehensive Guide

Sermorelin has potential for promoting muscle growth through its ability to enhance muscular mass, strength, and recovery. Research indicates that it may also have positive effects on hGH and testosterone levels.1 Additionally, it provides potential benefits in terms of bone density and overall well-being.2 Although hGH treatment has fewer side effects, it is important to use it correctly and be aware of any risk factors. Athletes must carefully examine legal implications owing to anti-doping legislation.


Boost your vitality and performance with Sermorelin. Experience benefits like enhanced muscle growth, improved energy, and faster recovery in the comfort of home.

If you’re looking for ways to build muscle, you may have heard of Sermorelin, a synthetic peptide that has gained popularity in the fitness industry. In this comprehensive guide, we review its mechanisms, possible benefits, and important considerations. Read on for the information you need to determine if Sermorelin is right for you.

What Is Sermorelin?

Sermorelin works by mimicking growth hormone releasing hormone (GHRH), a naturally-occurring molecule.

Both Sermorelin and GHRH prompt the release of more human Growth Hormone (hGH) by stimulating the pituitary gland, a small gland at the base of the brain. hGH is not only vital for growth throughout childhood, but also for the health and repair of the body throughout your entire life.

Sermorelin is approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to treat children with growth issues.

woman doing a squat with a barbell

Doctors also use it “off-label” in adults to promote lean muscle gains and wellness. While more research is needed before Sermorelin is FDA-approved for these purposes, there is growing evidence of its benefits. Sermorelin is most commonly administered as an injection. It should only be taken under the guidance of a licensed and trained healthcare professional who has done a full health evaluation.

The Pros of Using Sermorelin for Muscle Building

Although research is ongoing, Sermorelin offers promising advantages for individuals seeking to enhance muscle mass, strength, and recovery. Keep reading for the latest on these and other benefits possible with Sermorelin.

Increased hGH triggers several processes that help bodybuilding. hGH signals the liver to produce insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1), which stimulates muscle protein production and growth.3 IGF-1 is also believed to promote the breakdown and loss of body fat.4

A review of 31 studies that took place between 1989 and 2021 found that participants who received hGH treatments lost an average of nearly 5 pounds of body fat. Additionally, they gained an average of 4.6 pounds of lean muscle.

In addition to the benefits of improved hGH levels, research has also indicated that Sermorelin can help increase other hormones, like testosterone, that contribute to enhanced muscle mass.5 While these increases are not statistically significant, they further demonstrate the promise of Sermorelin for muscle building.

hGH can be beneficial for strength as well. In a 2013 study of male participants aged 50-70, six months of hGH therapy led to notable developments in leg strength.6 Significant advancements in certain tests of muscle strength and endurance were also observed in another study of men aged 64-76 after six weeks of Sermorelin treatment.

Most people assume that hGH’s muscle-enhancing properties guarantee gains in strength as well. However, this isn’t always the case. When taking treatments that aid muscle growth, it’s important to pair treatment with training to build strength. Without healthy lifestyle practices, you are unlikely to experience the full benefits of Sermorelin.

Studies of synthetic Growth Hormone Releasing Peptides (GHRP) that function similarly to Sermorelin suggest benefits for recovery from surgery and injury. One of these involved nine weeks of GHRP treatment for elderly patients recovering from hip fractures. Participants overall transitioned to more independent living, especially those who were independent prior to hip injury. Another found GHRP treatment improved stair climbing power and gait speed.

These studies also indicated GHRPs help increase appetite, with one case highlighting the benefits of GHRP treatment for a woman who had anorexia nervosa for 20 years.7 Hunger, muscle mass, fat mass, and body weight improved with treatment over ten months, during which the subject gained nearly 15 pounds.

GHRPs have also been investigated as a means to combat catabolism (the breakdown of muscle and tissues) in those with chronic illness. One study involving chronically-ill men found that GHRP treatment stimulated hGH to promote muscle repair and corrected deficiencies in other hormones, including IGF-1.8 GHRP therapy also countered nitrogen wasting in a study involving healthy people who had been calorically restricted for 14 days prior to treatment.9

Other Potential Benefits

Beyond the common benefits in muscle development, Sermorelin has shown promise in other areas, contributing to better well-being.

Increased hGH has shown to improve bone density for those with hGH deficiency and osteoporosis.10 GHRP studies have also demonstrated benefits for bone turnover. A significant increase of bone-forming components was observed in a study of elderly patients recovering from hip fracture.11 These studies point to Sermorelin’s potential benefits for bone density, but more research is needed.

Multiple studies of Sermorelin have demonstrated an increase in testosterone, though not always statistically significant. hGH and GHRP are also known to increase testosterone to varying degrees. Research continues to investigate whether Sermorelin can help address hypogonadism.

Much of the research presented in this article noted reports of improvements in general well-being that were not specifically measured. This points to the importance of hGH and IGF-1 for general well-being. Because Sermorelin has demonstrated significantly fewer side effects than hGH therapy, as we will discuss later in this article, it is an exciting prospect for wellness treatments.

Proper Usage and Dosage

As noted previously, Sermorelin is administered by injection. Typically, injections are administered once daily, usually in the evening before bedtime to align with the body’s natural production of growth hormone during sleep.

The dosage of Sermorelin for muscle development is determined on an individual basis and depends on a number of factors, including general health, family health history, and any other medications you may be taking. Missing doses or making unauthorized adjustments can impact the effectiveness of the treatment.

Sermorelin should only be taken under the guidance of a healthcare provider who can monitor how your body responds to treatment. As stated earlier, Sermorelin works best when paired with healthy habits.

In order to get the best results possible from Sermorelin, diet and physical activity are vital to your treatment plan.

The Cons of Using Sermorelin for Muscle Building

Although Sermorelin holds great promise, like any treatment, there are downsides. Keep reading to learn the risks of Sermorelin.

One of the advantages of Sermorelin is that it appears to have significantly fewer side effects than hGH therapy. Natural hGH levels fluctuate within a range of a maximum high and low. hGH therapy floods the system with hGH, sharply increasing levels far beyond the natural peak. This may result in uncomfortable and dangerous side effects such as breast enlargement, carpal tunnel syndrome, fluid retention, and joint pain. Sermorelin, however, appears to increase overall hGH levels without spiking hGH levels far beyond natural peaks, taking less of a toll on the body.

Of course, this doesn’t mean Sermorelin is completely free of side effects. The most common symptoms are related to administration, such as pain, itchiness, redness, and swelling at the site of injection. These are largely mitigated by proper injection techniques and generally resolve within a short amount of time.

Side effects of Sermorelin itself are far less common. While they are generally mild, you should still inform your doctor if you experience any of the following side effects:

  • Changes in taste or difficulty swallowing
  • Flushing in face/neck or rash
  • Headache
  • Dizziness or nausea
  • Restlessness or fatigue

Sermorelin is a promising treatment, but it’s not right for everyone. People who are pregnant, trying to become pregnant, or breastfeeding should avoid Sermorelin. Sermorelin may also be dangerous for people allergic to Sermorelin, as well as people with hypothyroidism.

Some medications may negatively interact with Sermorelin. If you are interested in Sermorelin treatment, be sure to tell your doctor if you take any of the following medications:

  • Cyclooxygenase inhibitors (ex. aspirin)
  • Drugs that contain or affect somatostatin (ex. levodopa)
  • Glucocorticoids (ex. prednisone)
  • Insulin
  • Muscarinic antagonists (ex. atropine)
  • Thyroid medications (ex. levothyroxine)

As with any treatment, you should not begin Sermorelin therapy unless you have been prescribed treatment by a licensed healthcare provider who has conducted a health evaluation.

Cost Considerations

Sermorelin may not always be covered by insurance for off-label uses, which means treatment costs would be out-of-pocket. It’s important to work with healthcare providers to explore your options for treatment and determine affordability.

It’s important to consider other factors as well. If traveling or schedule availability are frequently barriers to healthcare, you may want to consider a concierge practice. They tend to have more appointments available and often offer telehealth options so you can keep in touch with questions from any location with a call or email.

Legal Aspects

Athletes participating in leagues and events requiring drug testing need to be especially cautious before starting a new regimen. Currently, Sermorelin is banned by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) as well as the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency (USADA).

If you are an athlete, be sure to consult a trusted coach or experienced attorney within your competitive community before starting Sermorelin treatment.

Final Thoughts

Although Sermorelin is not FDA-approved as a muscle-development aid at this time, continuing research demonstrates its potential to enhance body composition and wellness. If you are interested in the benefits of Sermorelin, you should contact an experienced doctor well-versed in the latest research involving Sermorelin for a consultation. Athletes competing in programs that enforce performance-enhancing drug testing regulations should consult a trusted coach or official to ensure using Sermorelin will not disqualify you from participation.


Sermorelin is a peptide that helps stimulate the production and release of growth hormone (GH), which can support improved physical performance, vitality, and body composition. Potential benefits include increased muscle mass, fat loss, faster recovery, stronger immune function, improved bone density, and heightened energy. Get treatments delivered to your home and experience the power of Sermorelin.

Peptide Shots - Frequently Asked Questions

What is included in our peptide injections?

There are many different peptide injections that we offer as part of a peptide therapy including Sermorelin and PT-141.


Sermorelin is a synthetic form of GHRH (growth hormone-releasing hormone) which controls the hGH (human growth hormone) and it’s recommended to people who have low levels of hGH. 

How do peptides improve your sleep?

Serotonin is a neurotransmitter present in the brain that releases chemicals as messages to your brain and body that it is time to go to sleep. Some peptides can interact with serotonin. Serotonin regulation issues can definitely interfere with a person's ability to have a good night's sleep.

Sermorelin is recognized for their potency as peptides that may potentially enhance sleep.

How do peptides improve immune health?

The immune response can be either blocked or stimulated to produce tolerance using peptides and peptidomimetics as immunomodulating agents.

Read more: Peptide Shots FAQ


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[2] Barake M, Arabi A, Nakhoul N, El-Hajj Fuleihan G, El Ghandour S, Klibanski A, Tritos NA. Effects of growth hormone therapy on bone density and fracture risk in age-related osteoporosis in the absence of growth hormone deficiency: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Endocrine. 2018 Jan;59(1):39-49. doi: 10.1007/s12020-017-1440-0. Epub 2017 Oct 13. PMID: 29030774.;

[3] Anderson LJ, Tamayose JM, Garcia JM. Use of growth hormone, IGF-I, and insulin for anabolic purpose: Pharmacological basis, methods of detection, and adverse effects. Mol Cell Endocrinol. 2018 Mar 15;464:65-74. doi: 10.1016/j.mce.2017.06.010. Epub 2017 Jun 9. PMID: 28606865; PMCID: PMC5723243.;

[4] Hersch EC, Merriam GR. Growth hormone (GH)-releasing hormone and GH secretagogues in normal aging: Fountain of Youth or Pool of Tantalus? Clin Interv Aging. 2008;3(1):121-9. PMID: 18488883; PMCID: PMC2544358.;

[5] Sinha DK, Balasubramanian A, Tatem AJ, Rivera-Mirabal J, Yu J, Kovac J, Pastuszak AW, Lipshultz LI. Beyond the androgen receptor: the role of growth hormone secretagogues in the modern management of body composition in hypogonadal males. Transl Androl Urol. 2020 Mar;9(Suppl 2):S149-S159. doi: 10.21037/tau.2019.11.30. PMID: 32257855; PMCID: PMC7108996.;

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[8] Van den Berghe G, Baxter RC, Weekers F, Wouters P, Bowers CY, Iranmanesh A, Veldhuis JD, Bouillon R. The combined administration of GH-releasing peptide-2 (GHRP-2), TRH and GnRH to men with prolonged critical illness evokes superior endocrine and metabolic effects compared to treatment with GHRP-2 alone. Clin Endocrinol (Oxf). 2002 May;56(5):655-69. doi: 10.1046/j.1365-2265.2002.01255.x. PMID: 12030918.;

[9] Murphy MG, Plunkett LM, Gertz BJ, He W, Wittreich J, Polvino WM, Clemmons DR. MK-677, an orally active growth hormone secretagogue, reverses diet-induced catabolism. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 1998 Feb;83(2):320-5. doi: 10.1210/jcem.83.2.4551. PMID: 9467534.;

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