Common Uses for IV Therapy

We deliver and administer mobile, in-home IV vitamin drips to address a wide variety of symptoms and conditions, all from the convenience of your home, office, hotel, and more.

Urgent IV for Hangovers & Illnesses

When you have to perform but are sick or hungover, putting your best foot forward can not only be a challenge – it can seem an impossible task. Urgent IV treatment delivers relief from the symptoms of cold and flu, food poisoning, hangovers, and more. Our convenient, 1-hour mobile IV treatments are delivered directly to you whether you’re at home, in a hotel, or at the office, to name a few locations.

Learn more about our how our Urgent IV for Hangovers and Illnesses can help you feel better in an hour or less.

Urgent IV for Work Deadlines & Upcoming Events

Business meetings, presentations, exams and deadlines, and public-facing events are all high-pressure scenarios where feeling less than 100% can have negative effects. Drip Hydration delivers IV therapy to you so you can perform your best whether at work or in front of a crowd. Our direct-to-you delivery saves you time so you can focus on preparing for your upcoming event.

Learn more about our Urgent IV for Work Deadlines and Upcoming Events.

Long-Term Health & Performance Goals

When your body has the consistent levels of vitamins and nutrients it needs, reaching and maintaining your long-term health and performance goals is that much easier. IV vitamin drips give your body the fuel it needs to help you lose weight (and control it), boost your mental and physical performance, and kick addiction, to name a few potentials.

Learn more about how our IVs for Long-Term Health and Performance Goals are right for you.

Illness, Surgery, and Athletic Performance Recovery

Whether you’re recovering from an illness, surgery, or an intense athletic competition, Drip Hydration is your solution to help you get back on your feet quickly. Our specially-tailored formulas can help give your body the tools it needs to feel better fast. Best of all, our recovery IVs are conveniently delivered directly to your door.

Learn more about how IV vitamin drips can help support recovery from illness, surgery, or athletic performance.

Private Treatment Needs

Some people want to be discreet about IV treatment for personal reasons and may not want to leave the house for this amazing therapy. Fret not – you can enjoy the benefits of IV vitamin drips in the privacy of your home. Drip Hydration offers direct-delivery IV therapy to your door so that you can enjoy the benefits of IV vitamins without having to compromise your privacy.

Learn more about how Drip Hydration can provide you IV therapy with the privacy you want.

Busy Professionals & Families

Staying busy is a normal part of life for many people. Business professionals have appointments to keep, productivity standards to meet, and emails to keep up with. Young parents know that running a family is a lot like keeping a business going. Some days, you may feel like you barely have enough energy to step out for a mid-morning coffee, much less trek across town for an IV vitamin drip.

Drip Hydration offers the convenience of IV therapy delivered directly to you at home, at the office, or even at the gym so that you can focus on the important things in your life.

Learn more about how direct-delivery IV vitamin drips can keep you energized and on top of your game.

Corporate Events

Concierge IV therapy is a progressive, health-minded addition to any corporate event. Nurses set up an IV vitamin drip booth at your venue of choice and administer IVs or vitamin shots on-site so that your attendees can enjoy VIP treatment. Whether you’re hosting your event at hosting at a hotel, an outdoor venue, or at your office, Drip Hydration delivers IV treatments directly to you and your guests.

Learn more about mobile IV vitamin drips for corporate events.