peptide in a bottle, chemical ingredient in beauty product, skin care products

What Are Peptides?

This article will broadly introduce the subject of peptides, briefly discuss the prevalent types, and explain the ways they may be able to support health targets. Peptides may also help to improve immune function, lower blood pressure, and reduce inflammation.

What are peptides?

Peptides are strings of amino acids manufactured by your body. Amino acids have long been considered the quintessential “building blocks” of proteins. However, peptides do not contain as numerous amino acids as proteins do.

Although your body produces peptides naturally, peptides can also be obtained from certain foods or created in a lab. Lab-created peptides are designed to mimic your body’s natural peptides, and they are often used in medications to treat conditions like diabetes and multiple sclerosis.

Various peptides are also available in over-the-counter skin products and dietary supplements.

However, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the United States does not regulate cosmetics and nutritional supplements the same way they regulate prescription medications, also there are a lot of FDA-unapproved peptides, so you should exercise caution when using certain peptide products.

peptides injection in hand

Peptide Therapy

From combating aging to boosting muscle development and recovery and more, peptide treatments may help you achieve a wide range of health goals. Our peptide treatments are delivered to your doorstep and self-administered in the comfort of your home.

GHK-Cu | PT-141 | Sermorelin

Order your peptides today by clicking the button below!

Where can you find peptides?

Your body naturally creates peptides, but they can also be found in specific plant and animal protein sources, protein powders, sports drinks, and supplements.

More than sixty peptide drugs are currently available in the United States alone.

  • Beans
  • Eggs
  • Fish and shellfish
  • Flaxseed
  • Hemp seeds
  • Lentils
  • Meat
  • Milk
  • Oats
  • Soy
  • Wheat
A wooden spoon with a scoop of flax seed

Types of peptides

Peptides that have a beneficial effect on your body and may positively impact your health are called bioactive peptides1.

Different bioactive peptides have other properties, and their effects on the body also differ depending on the sequence of amino acids they contain.

For example, two of the most popular bioactive peptides used in supplements are collagen and creatine.

  • Collagen peptides may benefit skin health, including by reversing signs of aging. Collagen is one of the substances that makes up bones, cartilage, and skin.
  • Creatine peptides may build muscle mass and strength. For example, growth hormone secretagogues (GHS) are used by some bodybuilders because they can stimulate the production and release of human growth hormone (HGH).
Young girl with a smooth, beautiful skin

Benefits of peptides

In this section, we will discuss the anti-aging benefits of peptides, how peptides promote weight loss, and how peptides enhance tissue repair or healing.

Photo of a beautiful elderly woman

Anti-aging benefits

As you age, the production and quality of collagen and elastin fibers decline, weakening your skin. With less collagen and elastin, your skin loses its firmness, forming fine lines and wrinkles.

Peptides increase collagen and improve the elasticity of your skin.

A 2020 study in the International Journal of Molecular Sciences revealed that using peptides on the face and neck for two weeks helped 2reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles for those aged forty or older.

Peptides may also protect your skin against premature aging caused by damage from the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) rays. UV damage can also contribute to fine lines and wrinkles.

GHK-Cu Peptide Therapy

GHK-Cu is a copper peptide used for its potential anti-aging and regenerative properties. Boost collagen, reduce wrinkles, and restore skin elasticity with this powerful peptide.

Supports weight loss

Peptides for weight loss promote the metabolism of nutrients, 3increasing lean muscle mass and helping support overall health and wellness. Peptides for weight loss work best when combined with a healthy diet, regular exercise, and weight training.

Some of the primary peptides studied or used for weight loss are:

Tesamorelin is a modified synthetic form of GHRH that regulates growth hormone release. It has anabolic and lipolytic effects that can help reduce body fat, and it comes with fewer potential side effects than GHRH. Tesamorelin can be used to treat lipodystrophy in HIV patients, which is a metabolic condition that causes increased body fat in certain areas. A clinical trial done by Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School showed a 26-week course of tesamorelin injections into the abdomen could reduce visceral fat by up to 15 percent.

GLP-1 (Glucagon-like peptide-1) is a hormone primarily secreted in the gut that plays a critical role in managing blood sugar levels and appetite control.

This hormone is key to weight loss strategies as it slows gastric emptying, enhances the feeling of fullness, and reduces appetite, thereby decreasing overall caloric intake. Additionally, GLP-1 improves insulin sensitivity and prompts the pancreas to release insulin when needed, supporting healthy glucose metabolism. These effects not only help in weight management but also contribute to the reduction of risks associated with type 2 diabetes and obesity.

Enhances tissue repair or healing

Taking collagen peptide supplements has been shown to help 4repair connective tissues in tendons and ligaments and may even help prevent soft tissue injuries.

It will take at least four weeks of daily collagen supplementation before you notice any significant benefits.

Taking vitamin C supplements along with collagen supplements will help activate the collagen.

Some of the most promising peptides studied or used for healing include:

Nad Self Injection Happy Smiling Attractive Person Square

Collagen provides benefits for your hair, nails, and skin and also helps maintain the proper function of your joints and cartilage. Collagen is often available as an unflavored powder added to beverages.

Glutamine may improve gut health, immune function, and muscle repair, and may help with recovery by increasing cellular activity.

Role of peptides in medicine

In this section, we will discuss the role of peptides in the treatment of wounds, the treatment of diabetes, and the treatment of obesity.

Person applying adhesive bandage to finger

Treatment of wounds

Some peptides may help manage chronic diabetic ulcers and other infected skin injuries. Collagen-based wound dressings are administered to 5treat skin burns and diabetic ulcers.

Instead of replacing or promoting the formation of human collagen, animal collagens from cows, pigs, and horses act as biocompatible wound/environment barriers.

Many antimicrobial peptides (AMP) may also be wound-healing peptides (WHP), and they are constantly in demand in developing new treatments across a variety of fields.

Treatment of diabetes

In addition to using collagen peptides, antimicrobial peptides, and wound-healing peptides to treat diabetic foot ulcers, there are other ways that peptides could be usefull when treating diabetes.

Peptide immunotherapy may help treat type 1 diabetes by 6restoring immune homeostasis by affecting T cells.

Many with type 2 diabetes do not have normal levels of GLP-1, which is responsible for slowing digestion, preventing your liver from making too much sugar, and helping your pancreas produce more insulin when needed.

marked finger for where should a person sting himself to check blood sugar levels

Taking semaglutide may help type 2 diabetes patients 7significantly reduce blood sugar levels and prevent blood sugar spikes.

The lab-created peptide GEP44 and other peptides might help users reduce their blood sugar levels by sending glucose into muscle tissue and converting some cells in your pancreas into insulin-producing cells.

A person standing on a bathroom scale with their feet on the scale

Treatment of obesity

A new class of peptides could be used as an alternative to gastric bypass surgery in obese patients. GLP-1 and peptide YY might promote weight loss by instilling a feeling of fullness, reducing your appetite, and helping you maintain healthy blood sugar levels.

A lab-created peptide called GEP44 activates one receptor for GLP-1 and two receptors for peptide YY. In a study, obese rats given GEP44 ate up to 80 percent less and lost an average of 12 percent of their weight in 16 days. The rats did not regain their lost weight even after the treatment ended, setting it apart from current obesity drug treatments.

However, the study also indicates that GEP44 causes weight loss by reducing appetite and increasing energy expenditure. Increased energy expenditure can come from higher physical activity levels or increased heart rate or body temperature.

The same study compared GEP44 to liraglutide. Rats that received GEP44 lost more weight than those given liraglutide. Unlike liraglutide, GEP44 did not cause nausea or vomiting in rats or shrews.

Researchers believe that GEP44 does not cause nausea and vomiting because it activates multiple receptors, which may prevent the intracellular signaling pathway that leads to nausea and vomiting.

Last Words

Peptides are strings of amino acids similar to proteins but smaller and more accessible for your body to absorb than proteins. Your body naturally makes peptides, and you also get them from plant and animal proteins you eat, such as meat, wheat, beans, fish, and shellfish. Additionally, many cosmetic products and dietary supplements also contain peptides.

Peptides are popular for reversing signs of aging, repairing damaged or injured soft tissue, and treating conditions such as wounds, diabetes, and obesity. There are even peptides that will help you with whatever problems you have in the bedroom.  It is essential to understand that many peptide-containing dietary supplements and skin care products are available over the counter without a prescription. The FDA does not regulate these products the same way as they regulate prescription medications. For this reason, it is vital for you only to get peptide supplements and products from trusted sources.

Revitalize With Peptide Therapy

Peptides are short chains of amino acids that serve as building blocks for proteins and play crucial roles in many biological functions. Combat age-related decline of peptides in your body with our scientifically formulated peptides, which offer a range of health benefits:

SERMORELIN - Boost lean muscle & reduce fat.

GHK-CU - Promote skin rejuvenation & firmness.

PT-141 - Intensify sexual desire & function.

Order today and receive your peptides at home, where you can self-administer your treatments with ease.

Peptide Shots - Frequently Asked Questions

What is included in our peptide injections?

There are many different peptide injections that we offer as part of a peptide therapy including Sermorelin and PT-141.


Sermorelin is a synthetic form of GHRH (growth hormone-releasing hormone) which controls the hGH (human growth hormone) and it’s recommended to people who have low levels of hGH. 

How do peptides improve your sleep?

Serotonin is a neurotransmitter present in the brain that releases chemicals as messages to your brain and body that it is time to go to sleep. Some peptides can interact with serotonin. Serotonin regulation issues can definitely interfere with a person's ability to have a good night's sleep.

Sermorelin is recognized for their potency as peptides that may potentially enhance sleep.

How do peptides improve immune health?

The immune response can be either blocked or stimulated to produce tolerance using peptides and peptidomimetics as immunomodulating agents.

Read more: Peptide Shots FAQ


[1] Akbarian M, Khani A, Eghbalpour S, Uversky VN. Bioactive Peptides: Synthesis, Sources, Applications, and Proposed Mechanisms of Action. Int J Mol Sci. 2022;23(3):1445. Published 2022 Jan 27. doi:10.3390/ijms23031445 ;

[2] Sekyoo Jeong - Anti-Wrinkle Benefits of Peptides Complex Stimulating Skin Basement Membrane Proteins Expression;

[3] Do Peptides Work For Weight Loss?;

[4] How to Recover from Injury with Peptides.;

[5] Gomes A, Teixeira C, Ferraz R, Prudêncio C, Gomes P. Wound-Healing Peptides for Treatment of Chronic Diabetic Foot Ulcers and Other Infected Skin Injuries. Molecules. 2017;22(10):1743. Published 2017 Oct 18. doi:10.3390/molecules22101743 ;

[6] Smith EL, Peakman M. Peptide Immunotherapy for Type 1 Diabetes-Clinical Advances. Front Immunol. 2018;9:392. Published 2018 Feb 28. doi:10.3389/fimmu.2018.00392;

[7] FDA approves first oral GLP-1 treatment for type 2 diabetes;