man with a glass of wine, looking depressed

How Does A Person With Anxiety or Depression Cope With A Hangover?

man with a glass of wine, looking depressed

Everyone knows that hangovers are anything but comfortable, but they can become debilitating for some people. Those suffering from anxiety or depression can experience mental health challenges while hungover, making it even more difficult to resume their routine after drinking. Taking the necessary steps to recover from a hangover properly can help to prevent episodes of anxiety and depression from drinking. Read on to learn more about hangovers and how to recover from them efficiently.

What is a Hangover?

A hangover is a variety of symptoms that occur after drinking alcohol. Hangover symptoms usually begin around the time when the alcohol is wearing off.

Common symptoms of hangover include:

One of the primary causes of a hangover is dehydration. Alcohol increases the need to urinate, meaning you lose more water than usual. You are likely to get dehydrated if you’re not drinking adequate water to replace what you’re losing.

person holding his head in fatuge

Are Hangovers Worse for People With Anxiety and Depression?

Hangovers are unpleasant for just about anyone. However, those prone to mental health issues like anxiety and depression could also experience mood-related symptoms.

Even if you feel great while drinking, you need to remember alcohol is a depressant, so you could be left feeling depressed or down after the alcohol wears off.

There are many different reasons why hangovers can be particularly challenging for people who have mental health issues like anxiety and depression. For one, the actual sickness of being hungover can interfere with and disrupt mental health, making it challenging to go about your daily life.

man in the tub, crying while the shower is turned on

Can a Hangover Cause Depression?

Because alcohol is a depressant, it can lead to feelings of depression. Alcohol can intensify feelings of anxiety as well. Many people use alcohol as a short-term coping method for anxiety and depression, thinking it will help improve these issues.

Unfortunately, alcohol will only provide short-term relief (if any at all). Once you get to the hangover stage, you’re likely to feel worse than before, and being intoxicated can even cause negative feelings to intensify.

How to Best Cope with a Hangover When You Have Depression or Anxiety

If you’re prone to anxiety and depression, you may benefit from using alcohol very modestly, if you are to drink at all. When you end up with a hangover, taking steps to care for yourself is recommended to help your body cope with the uncomfortable symptoms. Some steps you can follow are listed below.  


Remaining hydrated is one of the most effective ways to prevent and treat a hangover. Consume plenty of water while drinking alcohol rather than waiting until you’re hungover. Prevalent physical symptoms of a hangover are related to dehydration, such as headache, dizziness, dry mouth, and nausea.

It can be challenging to keep fluids down if you are experiencing nausea and vomiting. In this case, trying IV therapy for rehydration following a hangover may be a good idea.

glass of water with lemon and mint

Treatments are administered directly into your bloodstream and bypass the digestive system, circumventing any nausea or gastrointestinal symptoms you may be experiencing. Getting hydration through an IV can help boost your body’s recovery so you can feel better as quickly as possible.

Nutrient-Rich Foods

Having food in your stomach can help to slow alcohol absorption, which can help to minimize the effects of a hangover. In addition, nutrient-rich foods such as those high in vitamins B and C can help nourish the body and help with recovery. Foods high in vitamin B include poultry, fish, eggs, legumes, and vegetables. Foods high in vitamin C include strawberries, bell peppers, kiwis, and broccoli.


One of the most critical steps in hangover recovery is rest. Giving yourself time to rest and recover will allow you to wake up feeling replenished. If you are struggling with mental health, relaxing is imperative before throwing yourself into work or other obligations. For this reason, you should be mindful of when you choose to drink so that you don’t end up hungover on a day when you have other obligations.

When to Contact Your Doctor

If you are experiencing severe symptoms from a hangover that you feel are unbearable, you may need to contact your doctor for additional help. Your doctor can provide you with further guidance to help with symptom management and can determine the best method for moving forward.

Mental health issues should be taken seriously. Consult a healthcare professional if you regularly feel anxious or depressed following a hangover. One of the most essential steps in managing mental health is speaking up about your challenges and knowing when to ask for help.

Doctor reading diagnosis


If you struggle with anxiety and depression, it is probably best to drink alcohol as infrequently as possible to keep your mental health in check. Many people with mental health challenges use alcohol as a coping mechanism, but this short-term solution can worsen. Symptoms of a hangover are anything but comfortable, and they can even include feelings of anxiety and depression.

If you decide drinking is a good idea, taking steps to care for your body is crucial to help facilitate the best recovery possible. One of the most critical steps in hangover recovery is staying hydrated, but eating healthy foods and rest is also vital.  

Get Your Hangover IV

Recover from a big night out with our hangover IV. This treatment helps relieve hangover symptoms by rehydrating, restoring, and replenishing your body. Infusions take less than an hour and are administered by one of our licensed nurses.

Make an appointment by clicking the button below!

Hangover IV - Frequently Asked Questions

What is included in our hangover IV?

Our Hangover IV treatment contains a blend of IV fluids, electrolytes, vitamins and medication to restore the vitamins in your body and help your body battle with the unwanted hangover symptoms. Among the main ingredients are B-Complex vitamins, Vitamin B12, Toradol and Anti-Nausea medication. 

Why is hangover IV much more effective than hangover drinks?

Hangover IV is more effective than hangover drinks because the IV solution is introduced directly into your blood without having to go through the digestive system which is already overloaded. This means you will feel the effects much faster and feel much better very quickly. 

How long does it take for our Hangover IV to start working?

It usually takes between 30-60 minutes for you to feel the benefits of our Hangover IV drip.

What are the levels of hangover severity?

IV therapy in general is FDA approved. Our nurses are overseen by our Medical Director, Abe Malkin, and every nurse is registered and certified per state standards.

Read more: Hangover IV FAQ