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List Of All The Vitamins You Can Get With IV Therapy

With so many health benefits, it’s no wonder that people are increasingly turning to IV therapy to supplement their daily vitamin intake.

However, many people are still unaware of what vitamins can be injected into the bloodstream to reap the most benefits. Several different types of vitamins can be administered via IV. For example, B12 is a common vitamin given through an infusion because it’s difficult for some people to absorb via oral supplements.

This article will serve as an exhaustive list of vitamins you can get with IV therapy and the added effects these vitamins offer over oral ingestion.

What is IV therapy?

Before we dig into all the vitamins you can receive through IV therapy, let’s discuss what IV therapy is. Intravenous therapy (IV) is a method of delivering medication and fluids directly to your bloodstream. It’s often used in emergency situations, but it’s also used to deliver supplements and nutrients that aren’t easily absorbed by your digestive system. The benefit? You don’t have to eat or drink them—they go straight into your bloodstream for immediate absorption. What Are Some of The Benefits?: There are many benefits to receiving vitamins via IV therapy, including the fact that they’re fast-acting: Many vitamin deficiencies take time to develop. But if you need a boost right away, IVs are one of the fastest ways to get it. They’re convenient. If you’re too busy or tired to take vitamins on your own, and IV infusion is just as easy as getting an injection. They’re safe; many people avoid taking their daily dose of vitamins because they worry about side effects like nausea and stomach upset.

Vitamin C

Although getting enough vitamin C from your diet is possible, studies have shown that getting it through an intravenous form is much more efficient. With IV vitamin C infusions, studies show that you’re able to increase your levels much faster than if you were to ingest it orally. Symptoms of vitamin c deficiency include fatigue and weakness, and trouble fighting off infections. In addition to these symptoms, low levels of vitamin C are also associated with an increased risk for heart disease and stroke. So if you’re looking to boost your immune system or improve overall health, a vitamin C infusion may be right for you.


This vitamin is a potent antioxidant, which has been proven to increase energy and reduce fatigue. IV therapy provides more glutathione than oral consumption and bypasses any digestion issues in those who cannot tolerate pills or tablets. It’s also been shown to protect against DNA damage and helps remove heavy metals from your body (which we are exposed to daily). Glutathione also plays an important role in immune system function. It also has anti-aging properties, helping slow down cellular aging that causes premature aging and wrinkles. If you have skin issues like acne or rosacea, consider getting an IV drip that includes glutathione; it may be just what your skin needs!


B vitamins are essential for energy production and muscle function. They also aid in fighting stress, regulating blood sugar levels, supporting immune function, promoting healthy skin and hair, and keep your digestive system functioning properly. Among these important nutrients are thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), niacin (B3), pantothenic acid (B5), biotin (B7), vitamin B6, folate (folic acid), and vitamin B12. These water-soluble vitamins are found naturally in foods such as meats, eggs, vegetables, and grains. There is some evidence that supplementation may help support cognitive health as well as improve mood and boost energy levels. Your doctor may recommend a supplement if you’re not getting enough from food sources or if you have a deficiency or condition that requires extra support.


This vitamin, also known as vitamin B7, is an essential water-soluble vitamin that our bodies need to metabolize nutrients. It is typically found in foods like eggs, milk, and peanuts. It helps with glucose metabolism and healthy skin and hair. A deficiency in biotin may cause hair loss, brittle nails, and problems with muscles that don’t contract properly. If your body has a hard time absorbing food-based biotin, you might consider getting it through an IV drip instead.


This is a synthetic, water-soluble form of vitamin B12 that’s easily absorbed by humans. It treats B12 deficiency but can also be used to treat pernicious anemia, a condition that results from severe malabsorption and causes many people to develop health problems over time.

Cyanocobalamin may also play a role in preventing cancer and Alzheimer’s disease. It’s typically administered intravenously or through a needle placed into your vein. You might need several doses of cyanocobalamin to replenish your stores before your symptoms clear up.

Amino acids

Among many other things, amino acids are important for immune function and muscle recovery. As a whole, amino acids are key components to maintaining metabolism and growth. In addition, they’re also crucial in tissue repair and waste removal. While your body naturally produces some amino acids on its own, others must be consumed through food or supplements. There are nine essential amino acids that your body cannot produce on its own: histidine, isoleucine, leucine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan, and valine. The most common sources of these essential amino acids include animal products like eggs and meat; however, there are also plant-based options.


Magnesium aids in bone formation and muscle contraction and prevents heart arrhythmias, among its many functions. Magnesium deficiency is actually fairly common —in fact, it’s one of the most common nutrient deficiencies in developed countries. This mineral is found naturally in a variety of foods, including leafy greens (like spinach), almonds, cashews, and avocados. It’s also popular as an intravenous solution for people who are deficient or suffer from chronic health conditions like migraines or fibromyalgia that cause severe pain on a regular basis.


Many patients may wonder why Taurine is included in intravenous (IV) formulas. Patients are told that oral supplements are just as effective, but that isn’t always true. Oral supplements do not deliver enough for proper brain function. Also, some individuals cannot absorb nutrients from their gastrointestinal tract and must be given nutrients directly into their bloodstream via an IV. The use of Taurine as an essential nutrient has been proven to improve moods and reduce anxiety symptoms in individuals who have been diagnosed with schizophrenia or bipolar disorder. It also plays a key role in improving memory and learning skills. Other uses include treating epilepsy, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), Alzheimer’s disease, depression, heart failure, and diabetes.

NAD (Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide)

This is a member of a class of nutrients called B-vitamins. As a water-soluble vitamin, it’s vital for every cell in your body to remain active and healthy. It also plays an important role in maintaining your circadian rhythm—the cycle of light and dark we have in our bodies that plays an important role in brain function, hormone balance, mood regulation, and cellular energy production. Our DNA produces NAD from another nutrient called Nicotinamide. In turn, Nicotinamide is converted into Niacin (Vitamin B3). Some people may be deficient in these nutrients because they are not absorbing them properly, or their body isn’t producing enough enzymes to help convert them into their usable form. In either case, getting more of these essential ingredients could be beneficial for some people.

IV vitamins vs. oral vitamins

What are their differences? The main difference between IV vitamin treatments and oral ones is that intravenous injections deliver nutrients directly into your bloodstream. On the other hand, oral supplements need to be digested before being absorbed in your body. In short, injecting fluids right into your bloodstream takes a lot less time than having to wait for them to filter through your intestines. Because they’re delivered straight into your bloodstream, intravenous vitamins can sometimes be more effective at treating deficiencies than oral supplements are.

Intravenous vitamin treatments aren’t just beneficial for patients suffering from specific conditions. If you want to stay healthy and fit, they may also be right for you. If a simple blood test shows that your levels of a certain vitamin are low, an IV infusion may restore them to normal levels more quickly than your body would naturally.

At home infusions

It can be hard to find time to focus on your health with everyone’s busy schedule. Fortunately, the growing popularity of at-home infusions makes it easier than ever to receive the vitamins your body needs directly into your bloodstream without having to worry about missing a day of work or school. In addition to convenience, there are also many benefits that come from getting vitamins intravenously, including better absorption and higher bioavailability.

At-home infusions are more convenient, but they’re more comfortable too! You’ll be able to relax in your own home while a medical professional inserts a needle into your arm and injects a vitamin cocktail directly into your bloodstream. This is also known as an intravenous (IV) infusion or intravenous therapy.

In-Home IV Treatments With Drip Hydration

Drip Hydration offers mobile IV treatments in the comfort of your home. Once you book your appointment, a certified nurse will come to your desired location and administer the treatment, which usually takes less than an hour. During this time, you can do anything you’d like, such as relax under a warm blanket or watch TV. Drip Hydration will also go to hotels, worksites, or other locations upon request.

You can either browse our treatment options and decide which is best for you or speak to a representative who can help you choose what you need based on your health goals. To schedule your appointment or learn more, contact us today!