doctors performing surgery

How to Recover From Surgery

Even a minor surgical procedure will take a toll on the body, which is why recovery is not to be taken lightly. When you give your body time to recover, you can get back to feeling like your full self and avoid post-operative complications. This article will break down all of the essential factors in surgical recovery so that you can recover well and feel great after your procedure.

Get In-Home Recovery IV Treatment

Drip Hydration provides an enriched vitamin cocktail to help you recover from the flu quickly, with tailored treatment options based on your health goals.

The Immediate Aftermath: Hospital Recovery

Immediately after your surgery is complete, you will be transferred to a recovery room. In this area, you will be monitored closely to look out for any complications. A nurse will administer pain medications to you as needed. Some of the biggest risks and complications that immediately follow surgery are:

  • Drops in blood pressure
  • Bleeding
  • Infection
  • Urinary retention
  • Blood clots

The Journey Home: Preparing for Discharge

Whether you’re having same-day surgery or spending some time at the hospital to recover, you’ll want to make sure your home is prepared before you return home after surgery.

Home preparations will vary depending on the type of surgery you’re having, but in general, you’ll want to make sure that your home is easy to get around and that you have everything you need. You may need to have a loved one help you with this prior to your surgery.

For example, if you’re having surgery on your legs or knees and your walking will be hindered, you’ll want to make sure that you don’t have to use stairs throughout your home or make sure you have someone at home who can help get you items from the upstairs areas of your home.

woman in a hospital bed

If you have an upstairs portion of your home, try your best to keep all of the items you’ll need on the lower level so that you don’t have to go up and down the stairs frequently. Your surgical team will go over discharge instructions with you, and they should include information on how to prepare your home. Make sure you have a clear understanding of these instructions by asking any questions you have when you have the opportunity.

Overall, the most important way to ensure your home is safe for you is to make sure you have help and support when you get there.

Post-Surgery Care at Home

Once you’re settled into your home, you’ll want to start focusing on certain routines to help encourage a fast and effective recovery.

Wound Care and Hygiene

Make sure to clean your surgical wound regularly and follow all wound care instructions that are given to you by your care team.1 Surgical incisions are prone to infection, so it is very important to keep the area clean and dry.

Rest and Sleep

Getting adequate rest is one of the most important ways that you can ensure that your body fully recovers from surgery. During sleep, your tissues heal and regenerate, so sleeping more than you usually would help your body fully recover. Without adequate sleep, your body can’t fully heal.2

Couple sleeping with their backs touching

Diet and Nutrition

Eating a well-rounded and nutritious diet will help supply your body with all of the vitamins and nutrients it needs to fully heal and recover. Make sure to focus on eating lots of fruits and vegetables and animal proteins. Many fruits are high in vitamin C, which is important for supporting immune health. Meats and seafood are high in zinc, and the protein is good for wound healing.

Recovery IV and Potential Benefits

An IV infusion can help give your body an extra boost of vitamins to help speed up the recovery process. Use an at-home IV therapy service to get your IV infusion to you at your bedside. A recovery IV can help to boost immune health and hydrate the body to stimulate recovery.

Rehabilitation and Physical Therapy

Rest is important for surgical recovery, but so is the right type of movement. Physical therapy will help you develop a safe exercise routine after your surgery. You’ll likely be encouraged by your doctors and nurses to get up and move as soon as you can after surgery to help your body heal faster. Gentle movement will be recommended initially, but working with a physical therapist can help you slowly increase your workout intensity until you get back to your pre-surgery activity level.

Navigating Life After Surgery

You may notice that some things don’t exactly feel the same after you’ve had surgery. You may experience some new aches and pains that last longer than expected, or certain movements may be more limited than they were before. Be patient with yourself and give your body plenty of time to slowly get back to where it was before surgery.

Recognizing and Responding to Potential Setbacks

Even when all of the necessary steps are taken, post-surgical complications still happen sometimes. The most common complication of surgery is a post-surgical infection. If you notice yourself showing signs of infection–such as fever, chills, or new pain and redness at the incision site–contact your doctor right away. Infections can usually be quickly treated with a round of antibiotics.

volleyball player holding adjusting her kneepad

Preventing Future Health Issues

It is incredibly important to stay on top of your follow-up visits with your provider in order to make sure that everything is healing properly. Your doctor will want to see you shortly after surgery to check the incision site for proper healing. Certain lifestyle habits such as regular exercise and a healthy diet can help ensure that you stay healthy and avoid future health complications from arising.


It is very important to follow the steps to make sure that your body recovers fully from surgery. From the surgical table all the way up until you go back to work, there are steps that need to be taken to ensure a smooth recovery process. Sometimes, complications still happen even when you take all of the necessary steps. Make sure to talk with your doctor about what to expect after surgery and how you can ensure that your body makes a full recovery and you can get back to feeling like your normal self.

In-Home Recovery IV Treatment With Drip Hydration

Our exclusive Recovery IV Treatment is designed to help you recover from the flu quickly. Our recovery vitamin cocktail IV bag is enriched with essential nutrients like B-Complex Vitamins, Vitamin B12, Vitamin C, Magnesium, Lipostat (MIC), and Glutathione.

You can either browse our other treatment options and decide which is best for you or speak to a representative who can help you choose what you need based on your health goals. To schedule your appointment or learn more, contact us today!

Recovery IV - Frequently Asked Questions

What is included in our Recovery IV treatment?

Our Recovery IV Treatment contains B-complex vitamins, Vitamin B12, Vitamin C, Magnesium, Lipostat Plus and Glutathione Push. 

How does a Recovery IV treatment speed up flu recovery?

Recovery IV treatments can help speed up the recovery from the flu by providing the body with essential fluids, electrolytes, and medications that can help reduce symptoms and support the immune system. The fluids can help to hydrate the body and replace any fluids that may have been lost due to vomiting or diarrhea, while the electrolytes can help to balance the levels of minerals in the body and support proper muscle and nerve function. The medications provided through the IV can help to reduce inflammation and pain, as well as support the immune system in fighting off the flu virus.

How does a Recovery IV treatment help athletes perform at their best?

Recovery IV treatments can help athletes perform at their best by providing the body with essential fluids, electrolytes, and nutrients that can support the body's natural recovery processes and improve physical performance. The fluids help hydrate the body, while the electrolytes can help to bring back the balance of minerals in the body and support proper muscle and nerve function. The nutrients such as amino acids and vitamins, can help to support muscle repair and rebuilding, reduce inflammation and muscle soreness, and support the immune system.

How does a Recovery IV treatment help post workout muscle recovery?

Recovery IV treatments can help with post-workout muscle recovery by providing the body with essential fluids, electrolytes, and nutrients that can support the muscle repair and rebuilding process. The fluids can help to hydrate the body and replace any fluids that may have been lost through sweat during the workout, while the electrolytes can help to balance the levels of minerals in the body and support proper muscle function. The nutrients provided through the IV, such as amino acids and vitamins, can help to support the muscle repair and rebuilding process and reduce muscle soreness and fatigue.

Read More: Recovery IV FAQ


[1] Gizaw MA. - Knowledge, practice, and associated factors towards postoperative wound care among nurses working in public hospitals in Ethiopia: A multicenter cross-sectional study in low resource setting area.;

[2] Mostaghimi L. - Effects of sleep deprivation on wound healing.;