man and woman doing a plank

Weight Loss: Men v Women

When attempting to lose weight, it’s important to understand how our bodies differ. Certain factors that vary greatly from person to person will affect how our body processes foods and loses weight, such as medical conditions, gender, medications, and lifestyle factors.

This article will focus on how men and women lose weight differently and how you can healthily maximize weight loss.

In what ways is weight loss different between men and women?

Women and men do lose weight differently. While it seems that men may initially lose weight faster or more easily, the bigger picture is much more complex than that. Women and men who were put on the same weight loss programs found that men lost twice as much weight as women and three times the amount of body fat. But why?

Body fat

Women have 6 to 11 percent more body fat naturally than men, even when consuming the same amount of calories. This is believed to be due to the biological and intricate ways the body has adapted for pregnancy. Men also tend to lose weight in more noticeable areas first, like in the stomach, whereas with women, it is more likely to be spread out among the body, which is where fat stores are located.

A woman holding her belly with her hands

Women hold weight more often around their thighs and back. Women also burn more fat during exercise than men.

Cultural and social

There are also cultural and social differences in how men and women perceive weight. Typically, men go for muscle mass and muscle enhancers. Women often focus on the appearance of being a specific figure (like thin or pear-shaped).

thin female fitness model

There is a wealth of knowledge available now that gives us more information on the benefits of being healthy versus focusing on one specific aspect of weight loss, shifting the way the topic is viewed across all genders.

How can men and women enhance weight loss results?

Losing weight relies on being consistent and making lifestyle changes. Every person’s weight loss journey is different and individualized based on their body and what works for them. There are some things everyone can do that will ensure they will be healthy despite what the scale says. Some key changes you can make to encourage weight loss include:

Tracking what you eat

There are many options for using weight loss apps on your phone to track your caloric intake, but pen and paper work too! Use an online calculator to determine what you should safely consume to lose weight. A tracker that includes your macros will show exactly how much protein, fat, or other nutrients you are consuming, which can help you determine trends for your body.

a top-view of a bowl filled with healthy food, mostly its fruit.

Meeting with a professional

Do you consistently have issues with losing weight? Seek the help of a professional who can assist you. This could be a dietician (for those struggling with what they eat), a trainer, or a medical specialist if you have a diagnosis that creates challenges for weight loss.

personal trainer helping his client


What exercise you do will give you varying results, and what keeps you active should take priority. For instance, some people prefer exercise programs that are more social, such as dances or classes, while others may do better working out solo.

Mature Woman Running Through Autumn Woodland

Professionals suggest getting around 300 minutes of exercise per week, or about five hours, to lose weight. Some ideas for exercise can include:

  • Walking, running, or hiking
  • High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)
  • Strength Training
  • Yoga or pilates

Ask your doctor about medications

There are weight-loss medications approved by the FDA that can help those with difficulties with other methods.

doctor in front of a house

One of these is called Wegovy, which is a weekly injection for chronic weight management for those with weight conditions like high blood pressure or high cholesterol.

You need to meet specific guidelines to obtain it, but this may be particularly helpful for those with health complications. It acts like a hormone that regulates our appetite and food intake and can be gradually increased to avoid side effects.

Focusing on the value of what you eat

Tracking your exercise and diet is half of the battle. The other half is making sure what you eat is beneficial and not full of processed foods. Studies show that one large difference in the sexes is what they consume.

Women tend to prefer carbohydrates and men enjoy meat. Some key dietary changes you can make or focus on include:

plate of unhealthy food
  • Eating protein for breakfast, like eggs or oats
  • Limiting sugar, which is often linked to obesity and higher caloric intake
  • Consuming more fiber, which can help you feel more full. This includes whole-grain foods, nuts, seeds, and certain vegetables

Stress management

Some people overeat to deal with stress or find that they have less control over what they eat when they are stressed. Being prepared for these instances can be helpful wherever possible. For instance, if you know, you will have a busy holiday, do some meal prep in advance and bring along a healthy option that fits in with your diet.

person meditating in nature

Yoga, journaling, using relaxation techniques, and being physically active are all excellent ways of stress management that can help you stay focused on your weight loss goal.

Final Thoughts

Weight loss can be difficult and challenging for anyone, regardless of gender. Gender, however, does play a part in how our bodies manage and lose weight. Both men and women have a greater chance of weight loss if they stick to a consistent and healthy lifestyle, including exercise, nutritious foods, and professional guidance if needed. Your weight loss plan should be individualized based on what works for you. For some people, intermittent fasting or joining a weight loss program may help them meet their goals, while others may benefit from a more medical approach.

Reach Your Weight Loss Goals With Semaglutide

Semaglutide (the same ingredient in Wegovy and Ozempic) is the only proven FDA-approved medication for long-term weight loss and management. Medical weight loss medications can help you on your journey toward your ideal weight.

Book a convenient online consultation and health check followed by a lab test. Eligible individuals will receive a medical weight loss prescription with medications delivered directly to your home.

people doing pilates