many types of food on a wooden plate

What are Good Natural Food Sources of Glutathione?

fruit and vegetables

Glutathione is one of the most important components in the human body. It’s a naturally-produced antioxidant of the liver that’s crucial for detoxification, boosting your immune system, and numerous other things. While the body produces its glutathione, we sometimes need more than the liver can make.

While people often use oral supplements, injections, or IV therapy to boost their levels, this article will look at good natural glutathione foods.

Sulfur-Rich Foods

Amino acids are one of the main components necessary to produce glutathione, and sulfur-rich foods happen to be packed with them.

  • Garlic,
  • Shallots,
  • Onions, in particular,

Are excellent sources of amino acids, which then help produce glutathione.

Other foods high in sulfur include:

  • broccoli,
  • bok choy,
  • cauliflower,
  • Brussel sprouts,
  • kale,
  • cabbage.

You may not be a fan of these foods, but they truly are great glutathione food sources.

Citrus fruits on a table representing vitamin C.

Vitamin C

Not only is Vitamin C is extremely healthy for your immune system, but it bonds extremely well with glutathione. Vitamin C can work with and supplement glutathione as it defends your immune system. It’s also a great way to make glutathione last longer, reuse it, or produce more if your body needs it.

Green Veggies

This option might not be the most popular one, especially with kids, but green veggies are among the most glutathione rich foods. Green veggies such as:

  • spinach,
  • asparagus,
  • okra,

And any of the options listed in the section on sulfur-rich foods, are naturally rich in glutathione. Avocados are also an excellent option and its among the foods high in glutathione, so stock up on the guacamole!

vegetables in a basket
bread and an egg on a plate


If green veggies aren’t your thing, you can also opt for protein as another option. Two of the core components needed to create glutathione, cysteine, and glycine, are contained in protein. You can absorb protein in the form of powder, supplements, or foods that are protein-rich. Some dietary sources of glutathione and protein include:

  • beans,
  • meats,
  • lentils,
  • nuts,
  • sunflower seeds, and more.


Herbs are one of the most underrated foods in the world. They are extremely beneficial to your health in a number of ways, and producing glutathione happens to be one of them. While not all herbs are rich in glutathione, the milk thistle is a specific one you should be on the lookout for.

herbs, lemon and a cup

Milk thistle is known for protecting the liver, which is the organ responsible for producing glutathione. In addition to milk thistle, turmeric is another herb shown to aid in the production of glutathione within the liver. Herbs are some of the natural sources of glutathione boosting foods and they are great for your overall health too.

Get Glutathione IV Therapy

Supercharge your immune health with the master antioxidant, Glutathione. This powerful antioxidant is included in many of our treatments and supports immune health, mood, energy levels, skin health, and more.

Schedule a convenient in-home appointment today by clicking the button below!

Glutathione - Frequently Asked Questions

What is glutathione?

Glycine, cysteine, and glutamic acid are the building blocks for the compound glutathione. It is created by the liver and is used by several bodily functions. Glutathione helps with the production of chemicals and proteins required by the body, as well as immune system activity.

What are the benefits of taking glutathione?

Taking glutathione has many benefits including:

  • Reducing oxidative stress
  • Reducing cell damage in alcoholic and nonalcoholic liver disease
  • Improves insulin resistance in older people
  • Increase mobility for people with peripheral artery disease
  • Reduces symptoms of Parkinson’s disease
  • Might help fight autoimmune diseases
  • Might reduce oxidative damage in children with autism
  • Might reduce the impact of uncontrolled diabetes
  • Might reduce respiratory disease symptoms
  • Might improve psoriasis

Glutathione IV Therapy vs supplements

Glutathione supplementation has been related to digestive problems, such as bloating or stomach cramps. Intravenous glutathione provides the antioxidant directly to your cells by totally avoiding the digestive system.

Does glutathione help reduce oxidative stress?

According to one research, glutathione either increases or decreases the body's immune response, which helps alleviate oxidative stress. Diseases with an autoimmune component damage particular cells' mitochondria. By scavenging free radicals, glutathione protects the mitochondria of the cell.