A person holding a red wine glass while the background is out of focus because of a wine hangover.
A person holding a red wine glass while the background is out of focus because of a wine hangover.

If you’ve ever woken up feeling like you’ve been hit by a bus after a night of drinking wine, you’ve experienced the dreaded “wine hangover.” A wine hangover can leave you tired, dehydrated, and downright miserable. Fortunately, you can take some practical steps to avoid the unpleasant side effects of drinking too much wine. This blog post will discuss a wine hangover, what causes it, and how to avoid it.

What is a Wine Hangover?

A close up of a red wine bottle.A wine hangover is a type of hangover caused by excessive consumption of wine. These hangovers are caused by the combination of alcohol, sulfites, and other additives in wine that can cause dehydration and inflammation, leading to physical and mental fatigue. Common wine hangover symptoms include headaches, nausea, muscle aches, digestive upset, fatigue, and sensitivity to light and sound.

Hangovers caused by overconsumption of wine have more pronounced symptoms than those caused by other types of alcohol. When someone consumes wine, their body begins to break down the alcohol into acetaldehyde, which breaks down further into acetate. Acetaldehyde is a toxic compound that can cause inflammation in the body and exacerbate any existing wine hangover symptoms. Additionally, sulfites, which are added to many types of wine, can cause dehydration and worsen hangover symptoms.

Headaches are the most common symptom of a wine hangover and can be caused by dehydration or increased histamine levels. Nausea and muscle aches are also common symptoms associated with wine hangovers. Some people may also experience increased sensitivity to light and sound.

To prevent a wine hangover, it is important to drink in moderation, consume plenty of water before, during, and after drinking, and opt for wines with lower levels of sulfites.

How does a Wine Hangover Occur?

An Asian man holding his head in pain because of a wine hangover while working on his laptop.Several factors can contribute to the severity of a wine hangover. The main factor determining a hangover’s intensity is the amount of alcohol you consume. The more you drink, the worse your hangover will be.

Other factors can also contribute to a wine hangover, such as the type of food you eat before or after drinking. Eating a substantial meal before or after drinking can help reduce the intensity of your hangover. Additionally, getting enough sleep before or after drinking is important in helping to minimize the effects of a hangover.

Common Misconceptions about Wine Hangovers

While many people believe they know all causes and “cures” for wine hangovers, there are several common misconceptions that still exist and continuously float around the Internet.

Myth: Red Wine causes worse Hangovers than White Wine 

Red wine is not necessarily worse than white wine regarding hangovers. Both wines can cause a hangover if you drink too much, though the type of alcohol present in each may influence its effects. The main difference between red and white wine is the tannin content, which has been linked to an increased risk of headaches. It is best to practice moderation when drinking any type of alcohol, regardless of the type of wine.

Myth: The “Hair of the Dog” Wine Hangover Treatment is Effective

A “hair of the dog” wine hangover remedy is ineffective for preventing or treating a hangover. This method involves having a small amount of alcohol the morning after drinking in an attempt to relieve wine hangover symptoms. Unfortunately, this only delays the inevitable and worsens your symptoms in the long run.

Myth: Only Heavy Drinkers can Experience a Hangover

Hangovers are not exclusive to heavy drinkers. Even those who consume only moderate amounts of alcohol can experience a hangover if they are not careful. It is important to understand your individual body’s limits and to never drink beyond them. Eating a meal before drinking and having plenty of water throughout the night can help minimize the effects of a hangover.

How to Prevent Wine Hangover

A couple of happy women holding wine glasses and clinking them together over a rounded table.No one likes to deal with a hangover after a night of drinking, and wine can be particularly tricky since it is often consumed in large amounts. Fortunately, there are some steps you can take to avoid a wine hangover.

First, it’s important to drink in moderation. Wine has a higher alcohol content than other beverages, so it is easy to become over-intoxicated quickly. You should also alternate glasses of wine with water throughout the evening. Not only will this help you stay hydrated, but it will also reduce your chances of over-drinking.

It is also important to eat before and while drinking. Eating will help slow down your body’s absorption of alcohol, which can help reduce the severity of a hangover. Additionally, try choosing lower alcohol content wines. Wines with higher alcohol content tend to make hangovers worse.

Finally, it’s important to get enough sleep when drinking. Sleep helps your body process alcohol more efficiently, which can reduce the severity of a hangover.

If all else fails, you can also try a hangover IV treatment for relief. A hangover IV treatment can help restore your body’s electrolytes and provide quick relief from the symptoms of a hangover.

Following these steps can significantly reduce the chances of experiencing a wine hangover and return to feeling like yourself sooner.


A wine hangover is a common experience for those who enjoy drinking caused by consuming too much alcohol. Symptoms can include headache, nausea, sensitivity to light and sound, fatigue, and dehydration. Fortunately, there are several ways to prevent a wine hangover. The best strategy is to drink in moderation and be aware of the amount you consume.

Additionally, you should ensure that you stay hydrated, eat a balanced meal before drinking, and choose drinks that are lower in sugar and alcohol content. Lastly, it is important to get adequate rest after consuming alcohol, as this will help your body recover faster. Taking these precautions can help reduce the likelihood of a wine hangover and keep your drinking experiences positive.

Get Your Hangover IV

Recover from a big night out with our hangover IV. This treatment helps relieve hangover symptoms by rehydrating, restoring, and replenishing your body. Infusions take less than an hour and are administered by one of our licensed nurses.

Make an appointment by clicking the button below!

Hangover IV - Frequently Asked Questions

What is included in our hangover IV?

Our Hangover IV treatment contains a blend of IV fluids, electrolytes, vitamins and medication to restore the vitamins in your body and help your body battle with the unwanted hangover symptoms. Among the main ingredients are B-Complex vitamins, Vitamin B12, Toradol and Anti-Nausea medication. 

Why is hangover IV much more effective than hangover drinks?

Hangover IV is more effective than hangover drinks because the IV solution is introduced directly into your blood without having to go through the digestive system which is already overloaded. This means you will feel the effects much faster and feel much better very quickly. 

How long does it take for our Hangover IV to start working?

It usually takes between 30-60 minutes for you to feel the benefits of our Hangover IV drip.

What are the levels of hangover severity?

IV therapy in general is FDA approved. Our nurses are overseen by our Medical Director, Abe Malkin, and every nurse is registered and certified per state standards.

Read more: Hangover IV FAQ