Eagle-view of a rug that says "HOME" while somebody is waiting for the door to open.

At-home Yeast Infection Tests for Women

Eagle-view of a rug that says "HOME" while somebody is waiting for the door to open.

Yeast infections occur due to a buildup of fungus1 in the genitals or vagina. While this fungus is a natural part of the human biome, it can build up over time until it causes an infection. The infection is so common simply because of how easy it is to acquire. 

Women now have the option of at-home testing kits which can tell them if they have a yeast infection. This is much faster and more convenient than going to a doctor to be tested. Not only do people want to keep these matters private, but when you are in pain from an infection, every second counts, and being able to test yourself in the comfort of your home is beneficial.

Understanding Yeast Infections

A yeast infection is fairly mild and may even go unnoticed for some, but it can lead to pain, dryness, inability to enjoy sex, and other problems, beyond the risk of further infection.

If left untreated, the yeast infection can lead to further infection of the vagina, particularly if open lesions are created due to scratching.

Yeast Infection Causes 

Yeast infections are caused by an imbalance of fungus in the vagina. This fungus occurs naturally, but it can be thrown off balance by several different causes, such as taking antibiotics for some time, pregnancy, a weakened immune system, hygiene, and untreated diabetes.

Yeast Infection Symptoms

Yeast infections affect the vagina in specific ways. Women may experience pain, swelling, itchiness, rash, and vaginitis or inflammation of the outer area of the vagina. Women may also experience a change in their vaginal discharge.

If left untreated, a yeast infection can lead to additional skin infections and may be more severe than the yeast infection alone. Additional side effects of an untreated yeast infection include thrush, gastrointestinal problems, and fatigue.

How to Treat Vaginitis At-home 

The best solution for treating vaginitis is to treat the yeast infection itself. However, there are some things you can do at home if you don’t have yeast infection medication to ease the symptoms of vaginitis.

These include:

  • Using a cold compress
  • Bath oils
  • Loose clothing
  • Baking soda
  • Vaginal moisturizers
  • Probiotics

Many of these options are easy to find and can provide at least some relief from the discomfort of vaginitis. 

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What is an At-Home Yeast Infection Test?

Woman Sitting on Armchair at her home balcony enjoying the convenience of At-home Yeast Infection Tests. An at-home yeast infection test is a test that allows a woman to tell if she has a yeast infection without needing to go to a doctor’s office. The tests can work in a few different ways but can tell a woman if she has a yeast infection or potentially another type of issue that needs further attention. From there, the woman can set up an appointment with her doctor or gynecologist to get treated.

At-home Yeast Infection Test Benefits

As we mentioned, there are a few benefits to taking an at-home yeast infection test that many women will want to take advantage of. First, there is the privacy offered by an at-home test. You don’t have to worry about anyone else finding out about your business, and you can take the test in your own home away from prying eyes.

Second, it allows you to determine if you have a yeast infection or other vaginal issue without needing a doctor’s appointment. You only need to see a doctor after taking the test to get the treatment you need. This saves you time and money when going to the doctor.

Lastly, it is faster, and the tests are fairly accurate, so you don’t have to wait long and deal with pain and symptoms without knowing what is wrong. One simple test can tell you if something is wrong, like a yeast or bacterial infection.

Types of At-home Yeast Infection Tests

When testing at home, women have a few options for the type of test they wish to use.

The most common test is a pH balance test. This test is done by taking a sample of vaginal discharge and measuring the pH level of the vagina. This test is fairly accurate for women of childbearing age. However, it is not as accurate for women who have gone through menopause or those who have yet to start their menstruation cycle due to a difference in pH level at these ages.

Another common type of test is a self-sampling kit test. This one takes a sample of the yeast in a woman’s vagina and determines if it is a typical yeast infection or caused by another problem. Additional tests may be necessary to determine the exact cause of the infection and to administer the proper treatment, but this test can help to narrow down the potential issue before seeing a doctor.

How to Use an At-home Yeast Infection Test

A standard at-home test consists of a swab and a test strip. For best results, swab the outer area of the labia, applying enough pressure to press into the skin lightly. Next, insert the testing strip into the vagina and place it along the vaginal wall. Press tightly against the vaginal wall for around 5 seconds to ensure enough test material is collected. Once a collection is complete, remove the test strip and compare it with the testing information found with the test, this may be a chart or come in the form of a guide.

When to See a Doctor?

A woman nurse holding her female patient's hands.While at-home testing can be helpful in some cases, it is not always the most accurate form of testing and does not work for all women or all forms of infection. Bacterial infections that cause vaginitis cannot be detected by these tests and also require a different form of treatment.

If your symptoms do not diminish over time or worsen, these are signs of a more serious yeast infection. If you notice signs of tearing or cracking, these are signs that your yeast infection is growing worse and could lead to more serious infections. In this case, it is definitely time to see a doctor.


Yeast infections are a common problem for many women. Leaving them untreated can lead to complications, so the best choice before heading to a doctor is to take an at-home test and see if there is potentially a yeast infection. The longer you wait to get tested, the worse off you may be. If you’re looking for a fast and effective way to determine if you have a yeast infection, consider one of the many options for an at-home test available and pick one up today.

Schedule your at Home Lab Test with Drip Hydration

An in-home lab test is a simple, convenient way to get the answers you need. Samples are collected by one of our medical professionals. We will help you understand your results and recommend the next steps to help you feel your best.

Give us a call or click the button below to schedule an appointment!

Lab Testing - Frequently Asked Questions

Why is it important to do lab tests occasionally?

It is important to do lab tests occasionally because they can provide valuable information about an individual's health and help to identify potential health issues early on. Lab tests can measure a wide range of factors, including blood count, cholesterol levels, liver and kidney function, and hormone levels, and can provide insight into an individual's overall health and wellness. Additionally, lab tests can help to diagnose and monitor the progression of certain medical conditions, such as diabetes and heart disease, and can help to identify any potential health risks or concerns. By doing lab tests occasionally, individuals can take proactive steps to maintain their health and wellbeing and reduce the risk of potential health problems in the future.

What does a routine blood test cover?

A routine blood test is used to check for a range of things, including your blood count and the levels of certain chemicals and substances in your blood. Blood tests can also be used to check how well certain organs, such as your liver and kidneys, are functioning.

How is a blood sample collected for lab testing?

A blood sample for lab testing is typically collected through a process called venipuncture, which involves inserting a small needle into a vein to draw blood. This is usually done on the inside of the elbow or the back of the hand.

What is the cost of a lab test?

In general, the cost of a lab test can range from a few dollars to several hundred dollars. It is always best to consult with your doctor or healthcare provider to get an accurate estimate of the cost of a lab test.

Read More: Lab Testing FAQ


[1] Willems HME, Ahmed SS, Liu J, et al. - Vulvovaginal Candidiasis: A Current Understanding and Burning Questions. Journal of Fungi. 2020; 6(1):27. https://doi.org/10.3390/jof6010027;