Comparing Five Popular Hangover Remedies
Hangovers are painful productivity-zappers. If you don’t already have your go-to hangover fixes on hand, you probably won’t feel like leaving your home. There are many ways to recover from a hangover. Some of them are fast and effective withing less of an hour, and some take more time and are not only slow, but inconvenient.Â
Your recovery can even be prolonged if you are treating your hangover the wrong way. Here, you will learn not only about the best hangover remedy, but also about the 5 hangover mistakes you should avoid.
How to Overcome a Hangover – Top 5 Home Hangover Remedies
When you are hungover, you want an easy and quick hangover relief. On top of that, exhaustion can leave you wanting to stay home and rest. This is where home hangover remedies come into play.
1. Eat Before and After You SleepÂ
While preparing a late-night meal might be the last thing on your mind when you’ve had a great night out, having one more nosh before bed is a one of the best hangover preventative steps you can take to minimize the symptoms of a hangover.
Food can help you endure heavy drinking, it also helps your body restore some of the vitamins and nutrients you’ve lost while drinking, which in turn helps you feel better faster.
The next day, people opt for the easiest option – greasy fast food, which can come with some consequences. It is far better if you eat some easy-to-digest healthy food. Toast, cereal, oatmeal, and of course the timeless fruits and vegetables, are all great choices that are gentle on stomach, which is especially useful if the thought of a full meal makes you sick to the stomach.
2. Hangover Medicine – Pills
Depending on which type you get; hangover pills can do a couple of different things.
Some are designed to be used after drinking to help you feel better after drinking too much and are packed with powdered electrolytes and vitamins. While similar to sports drinks, the concentration of these hangover-fighting essentials is far higher, which can also have some detrimental effects on your body.
Some are intended to be used before drinking as a preventative step. The idea with these types is to ensure your body has a reserve of vitamins and electrolytes. You’ll be losing both of these throughout the night, so working from a hearty supply can help reduce your chances of developing a hangover.
Hangover pills are great if you happen to have some on hand, or if your local grocery delivery service can bring some to your doorstep.
3. Painkillers
Painkillers will help your head stop feeling as though it’s about to split open from a headache. Some people swear by taking a couple of Ibuprofen before going to sleep for the night, but if it’s too late for that, then painkillers should help you get through your day.
On their own, painkillers won’t fix a hangover and could be toxic to liver cells. We recommend combining painkillers with adequate water intake and healthy food options to help restore the normal levels of vitamins, minerals, and fluids in your body.
4. Hydration
It’s no secret that staying hydrated is the best way to not only avoid a hangover but help relieve your symptoms too. Gatorade, and Pedialyte are good options that most people keep on hand, but water will always be the clear winner. Gatorade and Pedialyte contain electrolytes to help restore your body’s reserves. Other ways to rehydrate yourself is with a nutritious and natural juice or smoothy, food with high water content and with hangover IV treatments.
5. Direct-Delivery Hangover IV Treatment
If you haven’t heard about direct-delivery hangover IV therapy, you may think it sounds too good to be true, but that’s far from the truth.
Whether you’re at home, at a hotel, at a friend’s house, or soldiering through a day at work, Drip Hydration delivers IV hangover treatment directly at your location. From booking to delivery, we can bring fast and effective relief to you in less than an hour.
Our hangover IV treatment generally lasts 30 – 45 minutes. Most people start to feel better within minutes of the start of treatment. Let’s see you beat your hangover faster than that!
The Most Common Home Hangover Treatment Mistakes and How to Avoid Them
You can go a long way towards curing a hangover by caring for yourself the right way. Hangovers are hard on your body, but recovery doesn’t have to be. Here are the 5 biggest home hangover remedy mistakes and how you can avoid them.
1. Not Drinking Enough Water
You’ve no doubt heard the age-old advice to drink plenty of water to help prevent a hangover. That advice isn’t much good if you already have a hangover. However, no matter how nauseous you might feel or how much your stomach might ache, avoiding rehydrating yourself can delay how quickly you feel normal.
- Top tip: Drink plenty of water when you’re recovering from a hangover. If available, warm beverages may soothe your stomach.
2. Drinking the Wrong Beverage
Drinking the wrong type of beverage can be just as harmful as not drinking enough during your recovery. These three types of beverages can hinder how fast you can get past your hangover.
Coffee may help you feel more awake at work, but it’s a diuretic and can dehydrate you.
- Soda is carbonated, which helps with sour stomachs, and the sweet flavor is appealing to your palate. However, just like coffee, soda can actually dehydrate you.
- Drinking more alcohol, colloquially known as “the hair of the dog”, is an option that some people turn to in order to feel better.
Symptoms of hangovers start when your blood alcohol level hits zero, so it’s true that you can postpone symptoms by starting off your day with another drink. However, your hangover will eventually catch up with you when you use this method.
- Top tip: Water is your best friend when you’re trying to get rid of a hangover. Fruit juice, sports beverages, coconut water, and oral rehydration solutions can help restore nutrients in addition to rehydrating you as a double bonus.
3. Not Eating
Although your stomach may feel like it’s never going to be ready to eat anything again, food helps absorb some of the alcohol in your stomach, and also prevents your body from absorbing alcohol. Food also contains essential proteins, fats, and vitamins to restore your body’s supplies of these nutrients. Eating will accelerate how quickly your body can get back into balance after a night of heavy drinking.
- Top tip: If you can’t stomach a full meal straight away, opt for stomach-friendly options like bananas, toast, rice, or oatmeal. Crackers are another easy-to-digest option when you’re nauseous.
4. Staying Awake
Sleep is the best medicine when it comes to recovering from a hangover. As tempting as it to squeeze some entertainment out of your day, whether it’s by watching a movie, bingeing your new favorite show, or scrolling through social media, getting some shuteye is the best thing you can do for your body. In some cases, it may be more comfortable to sleep rather than endure a pounding headache.
- Top tip:Â If you have to work or have a busy schedule after a night out, try to take a nap. Even an hour-long power nap can do wonders for your body and your wellbeing.
5. Not Letting Your Body Recover
Hangovers are hard on your body. Give yourself time to recover and take care of yourself before jumping back into another night of drinking. The fewer opportunities you give your body to recover, the more likely you are to feel worse not just the morning after, but throughout your week.
- Top tip: Space your heavy drinking nights by one or two days. When you do plan to have a big night out, try to eat before you go out, drink plenty of liquids, and take an anti-inflammatory drug before you go to bed to help minimize your chance of waking up with a hangover in the morning.
How can Mobile Hangover IV Drips Bring You Fast Relief
It’s no secret that a hangover will leave you feeling sick and depleted. Excessive drinking dehydrates you, shrinking the tissues in your body – especially your brain cells, leading to terrible headaches – and causing aches and pains.
On top of that, the frequent urination that usually comes with multiple alcoholic beverages flushes vitamins and nutrients out of your body faster than it can be replaced, especially if you aren’t eating or drinking water throughout the night.
You may wonder, what is the best thing for a hangover? Well, whether you have dehydration, nausea, headache, body aches, fatigue, or a combination of these, our hangover IV is the quickest way to get rid of your hangover. Here’s how.
Rehydration and Detox
Oral fluids can go a long way towards rehydrating you, but you’ll lose a lot of fluids during the digestive process. IV fluids, on the other hand, ensure a 100% absorption rate of not only the saline solution, but of any vitamins and medications added to the formula.
IV fluids ensure that you can rehydrate even when nausea or vomiting means you aren’t in the mood to drink a glass of water. In addition, the saline solution used in IV drips is filled with electrolytes that rehydrate your body more effectively than plain water.
On top of rehydrating you, our Hangover IV also helps your body process any residual toxins produced by drinking alcohol, detoxifying your body for even faster relief from your symptoms.
Our Hangover IV contains a blend of antioxidant vitamins that bind to the excess free radicals your body produces after a long night of drinking. These free radicals can contribute to oxidative stress and cellular damage that can negatively impact your long-term health.
Nausea and Pain Relief
Nausea, headaches, and body aches are all common after-effects of a big night out. That’s why our hangover IV therapy is designed with your symptoms in mind.
Our IV contains several types of medications to bring you relief fast. The anti-inflammatory medication decreases the prostaglandins that contribute to body aches and headaches. The anti-nausea medication helps block signals to your brain that trigger nausea and vomiting. Antacids neutralize the excess acids in your stomach that can contribute to discomfort and queasiness.
Best of all, you don’t have to worry about trying to take medicine on a sour stomach since these medications are delivered directly into your bloodstream.
Drinking can take a large toll on your body. On top of that, some people find it difficult to sleep after a big night out, meaning that they wake up feeling unrested in addition to their other hangover symptoms.
Our hangover IV formula can help reduce fatigue, providing your body with a supercharged dose of B-complex vitamins that boost your energy levels. You’ll feel energized and ready to take on your day revitalized and refreshed.
Fast Effect
If you want fast relief from your hangover, IV treatment can help. Our nurse will arrive at your door whether you’re at home, at the office, or at a hotel within an hour of your call or online booking. The treatment generally lasts 30 – 45 minutes, and you’ll start to feel better quickly.
Fast, Effective Hangover Treatments Delivered Directly to You
Regardless of how your hangover symptoms manifest themselves, you probably aren’t going to want to leave your house if you can help it. So, what are you to do when you’ve woken up feeling like you never want to leave your bed again? Call Drip Hydration for our mobile IV hangover treatment. We bring the treatment to you, so you don’t have to leave your home.
Drip Hydration is your mobile hangover treatment solution. Our certified nurses’ deliver our Hangover IV directly to you wherever you whether you’re at home, at a friend’s house, at a hotel, or elsewhere.
Our hangover IV generally takes 30 – 45 minutes to administer. This formula rehydrates you and restores vitamins lost during a night out, plus optional anti-nausea and anti-inflammatory medications to help relieve your symptoms that much faster. Book an online appointment or give us a call. We will arrive at your location within an hour so that you can start feeling relief within minutes.
Hangover IV - Frequently Asked Questions
What is included in our hangover IV?
Our Hangover IV treatment contains a blend of IV fluids, electrolytes, vitamins and medication to restore the vitamins in your body and help your body battle with the unwanted hangover symptoms. Among the main ingredients are B-Complex vitamins, Vitamin B12, Toradol and Anti-Nausea medication.Â
Why is hangover IV much more effective than hangover drinks?
Hangover IV is more effective than hangover drinks because the IV solution is introduced directly into your blood without having to go through the digestive system which is already overloaded. This means you will feel the effects much faster and feel much better very quickly.Â
How long does it take for our Hangover IV to start working?
It usually takes between 30-60 minutes for you to feel the benefits of our Hangover IV drip.
What are the levels of hangover severity?
IV therapy in general is FDA approved. Our nurses are overseen by our Medical Director, Abe Malkin, and every nurse is registered and certified per state standards.