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Is Glutathione Helpful in Heavy Trauma Recovery?

You may be wondering about the possible benefits of glutathione for trauma recovery. This article will look at the role of glutathione in recovery from physical trauma (e.g., from an accident).

What is a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)?

About a third of all injury-related deaths in the United States are because of a traumatic brain injury (TBI). TBIs can happen to anyone, but the risk is higher for athletes who play contact sports, people in the military, children, and older adults. TBI is characterized by a mild to severe blast, blunt, or ballistic mechanical force to your head. The sheer power of the impact on your head can cause primary injuries, such as internal bleeding and swelling.

Secondary injury happens in the weeks or months following the primary injury. Secondary injury is characterized by conditions such as neuro-inflammation and blood-brain-barrier disruption. Recent research suggests that secondary injury from a TBI may increase your risk for developing neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease later in life.

Free radical damage induced by reactive oxygen species (ROS) and reactive nitrogen species (RNS) contributes to secondary injury after TBI.

What Role Does Glutathione (GSH) Play in Secondary Injury After a TBI?

Glutathione (GSH) depletion (not having enough glutathione) after suffering a TBI contributes to secondary injury. Glutathione is an antioxidant, and antioxidants can prevent free radicals from forming, and they can also reduce ROS and RNS. This makes glutathione an excellent therapeutic option to treat or, in some cases, even prevent secondary injury after a TBI.

Glutathione is a tripeptide that is an essential antioxidant. It also protects neurons from being damaged by free radicals present in your brain. There is a reduction in GSH that happens after a TBI. This leads to an increase in the production of free radicals that wreak havoc on the neurons in your brain through oxidative and nitrosative stress caused by TBI.

The effects of glutathione on secondary injury after TBI has been studied more in animals (mainly rats) than in humans, but there have been some clinical trial studies conducted with human subjects.

Drip Hydration offers two intravenous (IV) treatments that contain glutathione: the Immune Boost IV and the All-Inclusive IV. Contact us today on our website or via phone to learn more about glutathione for trauma recovery and order an IV treatment.

Get Glutathione IV Therapy

Supercharge your immune health with the master antioxidant, Glutathione. This powerful antioxidant is included in many of our treatments and supports immune health, mood, energy levels, skin health, and more.

Schedule a convenient in-home appointment today by clicking the button below!

Glutathione - Frequently Asked Questions

What is glutathione?

Glycine, cysteine, and glutamic acid are the building blocks for the compound glutathione. It is created by the liver and is used by several bodily functions. Glutathione helps with the production of chemicals and proteins required by the body, as well as immune system activity.

What are the benefits of taking glutathione?

Taking glutathione has many benefits including:

  • Reducing oxidative stress
  • Reducing cell damage in alcoholic and nonalcoholic liver disease
  • Improves insulin resistance in older people
  • Increase mobility for people with peripheral artery disease
  • Reduces symptoms of Parkinson’s disease
  • Might help fight autoimmune diseases
  • Might reduce oxidative damage in children with autism
  • Might reduce the impact of uncontrolled diabetes
  • Might reduce respiratory disease symptoms
  • Might improve psoriasis

Glutathione IV Therapy vs supplements

Glutathione supplementation has been related to digestive problems, such as bloating or stomach cramps. Intravenous glutathione provides the antioxidant directly to your cells by totally avoiding the digestive system.

Does glutathione help reduce oxidative stress?

According to one research, glutathione either increases or decreases the body's immune response, which helps alleviate oxidative stress. Diseases with an autoimmune component damage particular cells' mitochondria. By scavenging free radicals, glutathione protects the mitochondria of the cell.