illustration of a sun and a landscape

What Foods Are Rich With Vitamin D?

You might not think of foods as medicine, but many of them can be incredibly effective at curing specific illnesses and providing your body with essential nutrients to keep you healthy. One nutrient that many people aren’t getting enough of is vitamin D, which plays an important role in the proper functioning of your immune system, heart, muscles, and nerves.

Vitamin D deficiency symptoms

Because Vitamin D is not found in a lot of foods, many people aren’t getting enough in their diet. Deficiency symptoms include dry and scaly skin, brittle nails, excessive fatigue, and headaches. Getting too little Vitamin D over time can lead to serious health issues such as rickets in children and osteocalcin (softening of bones) in adults. To avoid these problems, it’s important to keep our levels healthy with supplementation or dietary changes.

An easy way to add more Vitamin D to your diet is through food. Seafood, dairy products, and beef liver contain a significant amount of Vitamin D, but it’s important to keep in mind that fortified cereals and bread also contain a small amount. If you aren’t able to get enough from these sources, then IV therapy is an effective option for quickly increasing your levels.

Vitamin D in foods

Vitamin D is found in a few foods, but it is especially abundant in fatty fish like salmon, sardines, and mackerel. It’s also present in egg yolks, cheese, and fortified dairy products such as milk. If you’re not big on seafood or dairy, you can get some vitamin D from fortified cereals or juices—make sure to check for an asterisk next to vitamin D on your food label. Below are ten popular foods to increase your Vitamin D

  • Cod liver oil
  • Salmon
  • Swordfish
  • Tuna fish
  • Orange juice fortified with vitamin D
  • Dairy and plant milk fortified with vitamin D
  • Sardines
  • Beef liver
  • Egg yolk
  • Fortified cereals

Vitamin D is an important vitamin and can be challenging to receive the necessary levels you need. If you feel like your diet isn’t giving you enough vitamin D, it may be time for a supplement. One of our favorite ways to increase our intake of vitamins and minerals is through IV therapy. With IV therapy, we can deliver high concentrations of vitamins directly into our bloodstreams in a very short period of time. This allows us to bypass digestion, making for a much more efficient way of receiving nutrients.

The best way to boost your vitamin D levels

Everyone can admit that their diet may lack certain important vitamins. When this happens, it’s best to supplement the missing nutrients. This can be done in a number of ways. Many people who suffer from low vitamin d levels will respond well to an IV infusion of Vitamin D.

An IV infusion of Vitamin D is one of the fastest ways to increase your levels. The process is simple and effective. You simply need to be hooked up to an IV bag that contains a mixture of water, vitamin d, and any other vitamins you may opt for. As you rest in a comfortable position, you will feel that nothing is happening while your body absorbs the much-needed vitamins.

It can be challenging to make trips to clinics to receive infusions in today’s busy world. Fortunately, you can opt for an in-home vitamin d infusion. A medical professional will arrive at your home to administer your treatment while you relax in comfort.

Infusions are much more effective than oral intake as the vitamins go directly into your bloodstream. This means that you will feel results faster and last longer. Many people who suffer from low levels of Vitamin D find that they respond well to an IV infusion.

Vitamin D Shots with Drip Hydration

Our vitamin D shouts can help ensure that you get enough of this essential vitamin D. We make it easy to get vitamin therapy by bringing your appointment directly to you whether you’re at the gym, office, home, or somewhere else. Our IV treatments are a fast and convenient way to get the benefits of vitamin infusions and generally last between 30 - 45 minutes.

In addition to our IVs, we offer select add-ons such as anti-nausea or anti-inflammatory medications, glutathione shots, and B12 shots to provide further benefits and help you feel your best.

If you want to know more about our treatments or the places we service, give us a call! We’ll be happy to answer anything you’d like to know about vitamin D drips.

Vitamin D Shots - Frequently Asked Questions

Can you take too much vitamin D?

Yes, it is possible to take too much vitamin D. Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin, which means that it can build up in the body and potentially lead to toxic levels if it is consumed in large amounts. Vitamin D toxicity can cause hypercalcemia, a buildup of calcium in your blood. This condition can cause symptoms such as weakness, nausea, vomiting, frequent urination, kidney problems, and more.

How often do you need vitamin D shots?

Frequency of treatment depends on individual circumstances such as the severity of vitamin D deficiency, medical history, and other factors. However, most people may receive 1 – 3 shots over the course of a year.

Are vitamin D shots better than oral supplements?

Yes. Because vitamin D shots are given intramuscularly, the ingredients bypass your digestive system so that the full dose is available to your body for maximum benefits. Vitamin D shots are rapidly available for your cells to use.

What happens if you don’t treat vitamin D deficiency?

Not treating vitamin D deficiency can cause rickets, a rare but treatable condition that causes fatigue, frequent illnesses, depression, and impacts bone and muscle health. In children, vitamin D deficiency can impact normal growth and development.

Read more: Vitamin D Shots FAQ