What is NAD IV Therapy?


NAD is a coenzyme naturally found in every cell in the body that can maintain DNA integrity and reverse cellular damage. Using mitochondria it’s able to increase the length of telomeres, protective caps located at the ends of chromosomes. They become shorter as the body ages and NAD increases the activity of SIRT1 and PARP 1 proteins, which are linked with a slower rate of aging and influencing DNA repair respectively. – source

Detailed microscopic image of interwoven DNA molecule.

How does NAD work?

NAD levels naturally decline due to aging, stress, and environmental factors. NAD IV therapy delivers NAD+ and a blend of complimentary vitamins (B-Complex Vitamins, Vitamin B12, Vitamin C, Magnesium, Glutathione) directly into the bloodstream, making it the most efficient and effective way to restore natural levels of this coenzyme.

Studies [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] have shown promising results that a coenzyme known as NAD can:

NAD, short for nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, is a coenzyme found in every cell within the body and is involved in many processes.

One of its most significant roles within the body is in oxidation-reduction (redox) reactions. These reactions are a part of the metabolic system and converts food into the energy the body needs to function properly.

The other important role that NAD plays is to regulate circadian and metabolic rhythm[1]. This coenzyme maintains DNA integrity and health and also functions as a quality control mechanism for new proteins.

Order NAD+ Injections

NAD is essential to cellular health, but levels decline as we age. We offer self-administered NAD+ injections to replenish NAD levels, which may offer a variety of anti-aging benefits.

Among other functions, NAD plays a significant role in anti-aging. NAD works on mitochondria and increases the length of telomeres, which are the protective caps located at the ends of chromosomes that become shorter as the body ages. NAD increases the activity of SIRT1 and PARP 1 proteins, which are linked with a slower rate of aging and influencing DNA repair respectively[2].

The body naturally produces NAD, but overall levels of the coenzyme decrease over time, leading to cellular changes that result in age-related pathologies.

Lower levels of NAD and bonds between certain types of molecules are linked to damage to DNA which, left unrepaired, accumulate over time into cell changes and mutations[3]. Restoring and supplementing NAD counteracts many of these reactions and help preserve the integrity of DNA over time.

nad functions explained on a chart
As we age, the levels of Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) in our body usually decline. Studies suggest that this decline can contribute to age-related health problems. Source: © 2021 Springer Nature

Order NAD+ Spray

NAD is essential to cellular health and function, but levels naturally decline as we age. We offer self-administered NAD+ nasal sprays to quickly replenish NAD levels. Treatments can promote a variety of anti-aging benefits, including increased energy, improved brain clarity and focus, improved metabolic function, and more. Intranasal delivery allows for quicker access to brain cells.

NAD Benefits and Uses

Research into the effects of NAD on the body is ongoing, but many studies have shown promising results of the benefits of NAD supplementation and restoration across a wide range of conditions.

NAD may help individuals who are:

  • Recovering from addiction and substance abuse: NAD helps reduce withdrawal symptoms and cravings. [1] [2] [3]
  • Interested in extending their lifespan: NAD is essential for DNA repair and plays a role in delaying the aging process. [1]
  • Interested in restoring neurological function: NAD may help restore brain function and reduce the risk of neurological disorders. [1] [2]
  • Experiencing cognitive decline: NAD may improve cognitive function and help with memory loss. [1]
  • Restore muscle function and improve athletic performance: NAD can improve muscle function and increase endurance, leading to better athletic performance [1]
  • Seeking to boost a weight-loss regimen: NAD can help increase metabolism and reduce inflammation, which can aid in weight loss. [1]
  • Seeking to reduce their fatigue and improve overall energy levels: NAD may improve mitochondrial function and increase energy production. [1] [2]
  • Slow the aging process: NAD is involved in DNA repair and plays a role in delaying the aging process. [1] [2]
  • Improve brain health: NAD may help protect brain cells, reduce the risk of neurological disorders, and improve brain function. [1] [2]
  • Improve mental clarity and clear brain fog: NAD may improve cognitive function and help with memory loss. [1]
  • Battle anxiety and depression: NAD may improve brain function and reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression. [1]

You don’t have to wait until you are experiencing a medical condition to experience the benefits of NAD IV therapy. This versatile treatment helps promote whole-body wellness and can help your body maintain optimal performance over time.

NAD IV treatments supplement and restore the levels of this powerful coenzyme in your body. A specialized saline solution containing a concentrated dose of NAD is delivered directly into the bloodstream, making it available to your cells for immediate use. Because NAD bypasses the digestive and metabolic systems, you can expect a 100% absorption rate for maximum effect and minimal waste.



NAD plays a major role in the aging process by regulating the circadian and metabolic cycles and acting as a regulator for new proteins. Changes in metabolism can lead to the development of certain age-related pathologies; NAD plays a role in the regulation of the Sir2p family, which influence lifespan and aging[10].

This coenzyme also helps protect the integrity of DNA, which becomes damaged over time from wear and tear, replication errors, and the damaging effects of free radicals. NAD is especially important in regulating inflammation that damages DNA over time. In addition, NAD can correct existing damage.

The body naturally produces NAD, but as the body ages, overall levels of this important coenzyme decrease and leads to the development of age-related conditions[11]. Restoring and supplementing NAD in the body can improve physical appearance, health, and quality of life.

Benefits of NAD IV Therapy for Anti-Aging Include:

  • Reverse aging: While it’s not possible to reverse aging entirely, NAD+ can help slow down the aging process. By promoting cellular repair and regeneration, NAD+ can potentially help reduce the signs of aging and improve overall health and vitality.
  • Improve appearance: NAD+ can support healthy skin by promoting cellular repair and regeneration, reducing inflammation, and boosting collagen production. This can help improve skin texture, reduce wrinkles, and promote a more youthful appearance.
  • Restore muscle function: NAD+ is essential for muscle function and can help improve muscle strength, endurance, and recovery. By promoting mitochondrial function and reducing inflammation, NAD+ can help restore muscle function and reduce the risk of age-related muscle loss.
  • Restore athletic performance: NAD+ can help improve athletic performance by increasing endurance, reducing fatigue, and promoting muscle recovery. By supporting healthy mitochondrial function, NAD+ can improve energy production and help athletes perform at their best.
  • Reduce fatigue: NAD+ is involved in cellular metabolism and energy production, and can help reduce fatigue and improve overall energy levels. By supporting healthy mitochondrial function, NAD+ can help cells produce more energy and reduce feelings of tiredness and lethargy.
  • Boost energy levels: Similar to reducing fatigue, NAD+ can help boost energy levels by promoting healthy cellular metabolism and energy production. By increasing the availability of ATP (the body’s primary energy source), NAD+ can help improve physical and mental performance.
  • Boost metabolism: NAD+ is essential for cellular metabolism and can help boost metabolism by increasing the breakdown of fats and sugars for energy. By promoting healthy mitochondrial function, NAD+ can improve metabolism and support weight management.
  • Prevent damage to DNA: NAD+ is involved in DNA repair and can help prevent damage to DNA by repairing breaks and reducing oxidative stress. By supporting healthy DNA function, NAD+ can help prevent mutations and reduce the risk of age-related diseases.
  • Correct damage to DNA: In addition to preventing damage, NAD+ can also correct damage to DNA by promoting DNA repair and reducing oxidative stress. By supporting healthy DNA function, NAD+ can potentially reverse some of the damage caused by aging and environmental factors.

Addiction and Recovery

Addiction and RecoveryNAD is a holistic alternative to medication-based solutions for individuals undergoing addiction and recovery treatment. NAD is especially useful for patients who want to avoid the side effects of medications.

NAD detoxifies the body, replacing essential vitamins and nutrients that are typically depleted in individuals who engage in substance abuse. NAD reduces withdrawal symptoms by binding to opiate receptors, which can help individuals overcome cravings and risk of relapse. At the same time, this powerful coenzyme naturally protects the brain and accelerates recovery[9].

NAD also helps stimulate energy production, which helps combat the fatigue that typically occurs during detox. People in recovery often try to boost energy using sugar, caffeine, or other substances that can cause crashes or jitters. Improving the body’s energy levels naturally helps reduce the likelihood that individuals will attempt to boost energy using these methods. A recovery clinic in Los Angeles found that NAD helped patients significantly with symptoms like anxiety, depression, and cravings during withdrawal from alcohol and opiates.

Generally, NAD therapy to aid substance abuse disorder recovery involves multiple treatment sessions over a period of time. The frequency and duration of NAD treatment may vary depending on the drug(s) involved, as well as the severity of the addiction.

Benefits of NAD IV Therapy for Addiction and Recovery Include:

  • Fewer withdrawal symptoms: NAD can help reduce the severity of withdrawal symptoms during detoxification by supporting the production of neurotransmitters such as dopamine and serotonin, which are often depleted during addiction.
  • Reduce cravings associated with withdrawal: NAD therapy can help reduce cravings associated with withdrawal by supporting healthy brain function and reducing the imbalances in neurotransmitters that can lead to cravings.
  • Restored energy levels: NAD is involved in cellular metabolism and energy production and can help restore energy levels during addiction recovery. By supporting healthy mitochondrial function, NAD+ can help improve energy production and reduce feelings of tiredness and lethargy.
  • Improved mood: NAD can help improve mood during addiction recovery by increasing the availability of neurotransmitters such as serotonin and reducing inflammation in the brain. By promoting healthy brain function, NAD+ can help reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression.
  • Cell restoration: NAD can help restore cellular function and repair damage caused by addiction. By supporting healthy mitochondrial function and DNA repair mechanisms, NAD+ can help restore cellular health and reduce the risk of age-related diseases.
  • Improved brain function: NAD is essential for healthy brain function and can help improve cognitive function during addiction recovery. By supporting neurotransmitter synthesis and reducing inflammation in the brain, NAD+ can help improve brain function and reduce symptoms of cognitive impairment.
  • Improved cognitive clarity: NAD can help improve cognitive clarity during addiction recovery by promoting healthy brain function and reducing oxidative stress. By supporting healthy mitochondrial function and DNA repair mechanisms, NAD+ can help improve cognitive function and reduce the risk of cognitive decline.


NeurologicalA decrease in cognitive ability is a hallmark of aging. There are many age-related neurological conditions including dementia, decreased focus, and memory problems.

NAD helps keep the brain in top condition. This coenzyme rejuvenates and restores brain function by boosting sirtuins – proteins that function as anti-aging mechanisms that slow the effects of neurodegenerative diseases and natural cognitive decline[4]. Together, NAD and sirtuins protect against toxicities in the body and improves cells’ resistance to stress[5].

NAD also combats inflammation in the brain that can contribute to cognitive decline. This damaging inflammation has also been linked to degenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. Protecting brain cells from inflammatory damage preserves neuronal stress resistance and plasticity – the ability of the brain to adapt to changing environments.

NAD IV treatments can help maintain mental clarity, focus, protect mental clarity, and protect against neurodegenerative diseases for a healthier and happier quality of life.

Benefits of NAD IV Therapy for Neurological Conditions Include:

  • Improved brain health and neurological function: NAD supports healthy brain function by promoting healthy mitochondrial function and energy production, reducing inflammation, and supporting neurotransmitter synthesis. By improving the overall health of brain cells, NAD can help promote better brain health and neurological function.
  • Improved mental clarity: NAD can improve mental clarity by supporting healthy brain function and reducing oxidative stress. By promoting healthy mitochondrial function and energy production, NAD can help improve cognitive function and reduce mental fog.
  • Improved brain regeneration: NAD can help improve brain regeneration by supporting DNA repair mechanisms and promoting the growth of new brain cells. By supporting healthy mitochondrial function and reducing oxidative stress, NAD can help promote healthy brain regeneration.
  • Improved focus and concentration: NAD can improve focus and concentration by supporting neurotransmitter synthesis and reducing inflammation in the brain. By promoting healthy brain function, NAD can help improve cognitive function and reduce distractions that can interfere with focus and concentration.
  • Boosted mood: NAD can boost mood by increasing the availability of neurotransmitters such as serotonin and reducing inflammation in the brain. By supporting healthy brain function, NAD can help improve mood and reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression.
  • Improved memory: NAD can help improve memory by promoting healthy brain function and supporting neurotransmitter synthesis. By supporting healthy mitochondrial function and reducing oxidative stress, NAD can help improve cognitive function and reduce the risk of memory loss.

Metabolic Function

NAD and metabolic function
The term ‘metabolism’ refers to the amount of energy that is expended to maintain the body. The metabolism naturally slows with age and can lead to weight gain and lower energy levels. NAD plays a large role in normal metabolism function, which in turn helps improve weight loss and overall energy levels[6].

NAD plays an important part in the body’s oxidation-reduction (redox) reactions. These complicated chemical reactions are a part of the metabolic system and help convert food into energy that is usable by the cells. NAD accepts and donates electrons used in energy metabolism during the cellular respiration process[7].

NAD helps promote mitochondrial fitness by maintaining the mitochondrial unfolded protein response, a reaction to cell stress, by ensuring that these cells form into the correct shape[8] for normal function. NAD helps the liver break down fats that are essential to provide energy for the body. It also helps create ATP, which is a major source of energy for cells.

Benefits of NAD IV Therapy for Metabolic Function Include:

  • Increased energy levels
  • Decreased fatigue
  • Restore muscle function and athletic performance
  • Improved metabolism
  • Weight loss

Weight Loss

NAD plays an important role in the body’s ability to manufacture and expend energy and is one of the body’s most critical metabolic cofactors. The functionality of our metabolism is influenced by variations in NAD levels. Our metabolism becomes sluggish and fat burning slows to a crawl when NAD levels are low.

NAD IV therapy is a modern and intriguing weight loss treatment designed to supercharge your metabolism to burn calories and fat efficiently. Restoring normal levels of NAD intravenously stimulates the conversion of food into a viable energy source, which is then recycled in order to burn calories, leading to noticeable weight loss.

Shedding those pounds is only part of the weight loss journey, and keeping them off is just as tough a task. NAD can help increase our resting metabolism, which is a crucial aspect of maintaining low fat reserves after significant weight loss.

In addition to contributing to weight gain, declining NAD levels are closely connected to several separate metabolic issues, such as fatty liver disease and diabetes. Maintaining healthy NAD levels can combat these issues and support your long-term well-being.

NAD for anxiety and depression

An active lifestyle featuring regular exercise, a balanced diet, and focus on getting a good night’s sleep can work wonders for your mood and general health, but there are moments in life where the prospects of anxiety and depression can still seem inescapable.

NAD can help elevate mood and counter symptoms of depression and anxiety. A recent study has suggested NAD IV therapy can also offset fatigue, a prevailing symptom of both depression and anxiety.

NAD is linked with adenosine triphosphate (ATP) production in the brain, where it is used to create beneficial neurochemicals. Anxiety reduces levels of NAD in the brain, as well as hormones such as serotonin that help regulate mood. Supplementing NAD can help the brain produce normal amounts of “feel good” neurochemicals even if a person is stressed or anxious, which helps improve symptoms.

Although all types of NAD can benefit brain health, nasal sprays provide the fastest access to the brain, where they release neurotransmitters that are vital for nervous system operation. These neurotransmitters also support mood elevation and overall feelings of peace and calm. Further, NAD helps detoxify the body, effectively eliminating drugs and other damaging substances, restoring your neurological health and providing a general sense of tranquility.

What types of NAD therapy are available?

There are several ways you can supplement NAD. Read on as we review your options.

IV NAD supplementation

NAD IV therapy involves the intravenous delivery of IV fluids and NAD into the body. NAD is added to IV solutions, which are stored in sealed bags that are suspended above a patient’s head. A long thin tube runs between the bag and a needle, which is inserted into a vein. The IV fluids and NAD run through the tube directly into the bloodstream. Other ingredients, like vitamins, can also be added to the solution.

Though many people associate IV treatments with severe illness and hospitalization, IV sessions offer several advantages over other delivery methods of supplementation.

Because treatments are delivered directly to the bloodstream, none are lost in the digestive process, which can result in up to 50% of nutrients or medications being broken down. This also allows treatments to start working right away, so you feel the benefits more quickly.

Finally, IV fluids help ensure you are properly hydrated, and help flush toxins from your body to ensure optimal function. This is especially advantageous to those seeking NAD treatments to help with recovery from substance abuse disorder.

Drip Hydration offers in-home NAD IV therapy. You can make an appointment for a licensed healthcare professional to come to your home and administer a NAD IV.

Pros Cons
Bypasses the digestive system, allowing for a high absorption rate Most expensive NAD therapy option
Treatment is administered by a licensed healthcare professional, eliminating any guesswork Appointments have to be made to receive treatment, and multiple sessions may be required over the course of several weeks
Hydrates in addition to supplementing NAD, and other nutrients may be added to treatment Not ideal for those with aversion or fear of needles
Effects can last for months between booster appointments

NAD injections

If you want the benefits of NAD administered directly into your bloodstream, but without the need to schedule an appointment with a healthcare professional, NAD injections may be right for you.

Drip Hydration enables you to consult with a healthcare professional via telehealth services to determine if NAD injection treatment suits your needs. Once a treatment course is determined, supplies to self-administer NAD are delivered to your home. Telehealth consultations continue as you self-administer treatments, allowing you to ask questions and discuss your progress.

Pros Cons
Bypasses the digestive system, ensuring a high absorption rate More expensive than nasal sprays and oral supplements
Treatment is self-administered and delivered directly to your home People may be uncomfortable self-administering shots
Less expensive than NAD IV therapy Not ideal for those with fear or aversion to needles

Nasal Sprays

Many people may feel uncomfortable with the idea of using needles regularly to supplement NAD. NAD nasal sprays allow you to supplement NAD using the same method as many allergy medications. This method of NAD supplementation is especially beneficial for those taking NAD to enhance brain health. NAD nasal spray reaches brain cells faster than IVs, injections, or oral supplements.

Drip Hydration can conduct a health screening via telehealth to evaluate whether NAD nasal spray is the best choice for you. Once a NAD regimen is decided, NAD nasal spray is shipped to you to take as prescribed. As with injections, telehealth services continue to be available after your initial appointment so you can ask questions and track progress.

Pros Cons
Reaches brain cells faster than other NAD therapy options, bypassing the digestive system for a high absorption rate More expensive than oral NAD supplementation
Treatment is self-administered without needles Some people may feel uncomfortable using nasal sprays
More affordable than NAD IV therapy and NAD injections

Oral NAD supplements

NAD capsules help people who prefer traditional oral treatments supplement NAD. This option is generally cheaper than IV therapy or injections, though it should be noted that the best savings generally require auto renewal or purchasing in larger quantities.

Drip Hydration offers Tru Niagen, an oral NAD supplement with the highest dose of nicotinamide riboside (NR) available. This supplement helps your body increase NAD levels. You can consult with one of Drip Hydration’s licensed healthcare professionals via our telehealth services to ensure oral NAD supplementation is the best option for you.

Pros Cons
Typically safe without severe side effects Studies are still underway regarding certain potential health benefits
Does not involve uncomfortable administration methods May need to subscribe or buy larger quantities to get the best value
Tru Niagen is gluten free, nut free, caffeine free, and does not contain animal byproducts or artificial flavors/colorings Not ideal for those who have difficulty taking supplements or medications orally
Most affordable NAD therapy option Ingredients must be processed by the digestive system before they are bioavailable, meaning there is less NAD available overall

Does NAD therapy have any side effects?

If you have read about the powerful effects of NAD IV therapy, you may be wondering if you should expect any potential side effects from treatment. NAD supplementation is generally a safe and well-tolerated treatment with few side effects. However, more studies must be completed before any long-term side effects become known.

Side effects brought on by NAD IV therapy can be largely divided into Symptomatic and Metabolic side effects. Symptomatic side effects materialize instantly after completing therapy, while metabolic side effects generally develop on a cellular level, specifically for patients who have been receiving high-dose NAD treatments for an extended period of time.

Currently, the mild-to-moderate side effects that have been reported include:

  • Headaches
  • Abdominal pain
  • Fatigue
  • Nausea
  • Diarrhea
  • Indigestion

The majority of these are mild and tend to vanish quickly, but you should contact your doctor in the event of a serious symptomatic side effect, such as an allergic reaction or infection.

Other side effects may be related to the type of therapy you choose. For example, there is a risk of vein damage and infection with IV and injection therapy, but these are significantly mitigated by following proper hygiene and administrative procedures. IV therapy can also result in an air embolism if proper care is not taken, which is why you should only seek NAD IV therapy by prescription from a licensed and trained healthcare professional.

Your NAD provider should evaluate you before treatments begin. When selecting a provider, you should check the lab providing NAD as well. Labs should be certified by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). This means that the lab operates according to the FDA’s safety standards.

Cost of different NAD treatments

Drip Hydration currently offers several NAD IV therapy options that are designed to fit your preferences, with singular, one-time treatments in addition to ongoing treatments spread out over multiple sessions per week.

  • NAD+ Boost IV treatment: Delivers a nourishing blend of NAD, Glutathione, vitamins, and minerals designed to stimulate neurological function and cellular health. This one-time treatment features your NAD infusion, a professional nurse administering the IV, and a follow-up consultation for $999.
  • Anti-Aging treatment: Works to repair DNA, minimize inflammation, and activate enzymes that help to slow the aging process. This treatment is typically conducted twice a week over ten sessions for a cost of $8,000.
  • Anxiety and depression treatment: Helps rearrange neurotransmitters in the brain in order to reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression. This treatment occurs 3 times a week for 12 separate visits, for a cost of $9,000.
  • Brain restoration treatment: Works to elevate cognitive function, increase alertness, and rebuild cells throughout the body. This plan takes place twice a week over 8 treatments total, for a cost of $6,800.
  • Energy boost treatment: Promotes muscle health and function, builds new muscle, and improves physical appearance. This treatment occurs twice a week over a total of 6 sessions for a cost of $5,450.
  • NAD Injections: We now offer self-administered injections which restore NAD levels and can support a wide array of anti-aging benefits. This treatment package includes the shipping of materials to your home as well as a telemedicine consultation with your medical provider. The price for this treatment is dependent on duration, with cost ranging from $499 for 10 injections with the largest treatment option costing $2,499 for 60 injections.
  • NAD Nasal Spray: A new addition to our lineup, our Nasal Spray promptly replenishes NAD levels, helps improve focus and brain clarity, and supports metabolic function. This treatment option includes the spray shipped to your home as well as an online consultation with one of Drip Hydration’s team members. This treatment costs $299.


Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) is a fascinating molecule that is essential for cellular energy production, DNA repair, and cellular communication. With its role in supporting healthy mitochondrial function and reducing oxidative stress, NAD has been shown to have potential health benefits, such as reducing withdrawal symptoms during addiction recovery, improving brain function, restoring muscle function, and slowing down the aging process.

If you’re interested in exploring the potential benefits of NAD, it’s crucial to work with a licensed medical professional who can provide personalized guidance and help determine the best approach for your unique needs and goals. By taking advantage of NAD’s potential health benefits, you can unlock your body’s natural healing potential and take control of your health and wellbeing.

Take the First Step towards Better Health with NAD Therapy

Take control of your health and address your biggest health concerns with NAD therapy. Consult with a trusted medical professional today to explore the potential benefits of NAD and find personalized solutions for your unique needs.

  • Convenience
  • Comfort
  • Privacy
  • Personalized care
  • Flexible scheduling

Transform your health with NAD therapy and experience the life-changing benefits of personalized treatment tailored to your unique needs.

NAD - Frequently Asked Questions

What is NAD?

NAD is a coenzyme that is naturally produced by the body and is essential for various physiological processes, including energy production and DNA repair. It is found in all living cells and plays a critical role in many of the body's metabolic processes. NAD is a dinucleotide, which means that it consists of two nucleotides joined together. It is made up of two molecules: nicotinamide and adenine, which are joined together by a phosphate group.

NAD is involved in a wide range of biological processes, including the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, and is essential for the proper functioning of the body's cells and tissues.

What can I expect during a NAD IV treatment?

Our nurse will arrive at your location of choice with all the equipment necessary for the appointment. They will then administer the IV into your arm and stay with you to monitor the treatment and answer any questions you may have.

Our NAD IV treatments generally last couple of hours per session. You can sit back, watch a movie or a favorite show, browse social media, or even work while the treatment is in progress.

What sets Drip Hydration apart from other NAD IV treatment providers?

Drip Hydration brings appointments directly to you whether you are at home, at a hotel, or at the office. We make getting at home NAD IV treatments easy and convenient, saving you the time and hassle of sitting in traffic or waiting in a clinic.

Is NAD right for me?

You don’t have to wait until you are experiencing a medical condition to enjoy the benefits of NAD IV therapy. NAD plays a role in hundreds of chemical functions throughout your body. This versatile treatment helps promote whole-body wellness and can help your body maintain optimal performance over time.

Is IV therapy FDA approved?

IV therapy in general is FDA approved. Our nurses are overseen by our Medical Director, Abe Malkin, and every nurse is registered and certified per state standards.

Is NAD safe?

NAD is considered a dietary supplement, not a drug. The FDA does not currently evaluate dietary supplements in their current regulations. However, NAD is well-tolerated, meaning that there are rarely side effects.

How long do IV treatments take?

Our IV NAD treatments take couple of hours to administer per session. The number of sessions vary by individual and will be determined during your initial consultation.

Does NAD help battle aging?

Some studies have suggested that NAD may have anti-aging effects by helping to support the production of enzymes that are involved in DNA repair and maintenance, which are essential for maintaining healthy cells and tissues. Additionally, NAD may support the production of enzymes that are involved in the body's natural detoxification processes, which can help to reduce the effects of oxidative stress and support healthy aging. 

Does NAD Improve metabolic function?

Some studies have suggested that NAD may support healthy metabolism by helping to regulate the body's energy production and utilization, and may also support the production of enzymes that are involved in various metabolic processes. Additionally, NAD may support the body's natural detoxification processes, which are important for maintaining overall health and wellness.

How often can I get an NAD treatment?

NAD IV treatments are most effective when used over time. You can get treatments several times per month unless you are otherwise advised during your initial consultation.

What can I expect to feel after a NAD IV drip?

Following a NAD IV drip, most patients feel more energetic, clearer-headed, and focused. Regular treatments may improve these effects over time.

Is there any downtime or recovery after a NAD drip?

Not at all! You can resume your normal activities immediately after your appointment. Where do you deliver NAD IV treatments? Drip Hydration delivers NAD IV treatments anywhere within our service areas, which you can find on our service area pages. That said, we recommend choosing a comfortable place for NAD treatments since this type of IV couple of hours per appointment.

How is IV NAD better than an oral NAD supplement?

IV NAD is delivered directly into your bloodstream, where it becomes available to your cells for immediate use. Because NAD bypasses the digestive and metabolic systems, you can expect a 100% absorption rate for maximum effect and minimal waste. Oral NAD supplements, on the other hand, must pass through your digestive system, where they are partly metabolized before your body has access to orally given NAD.

What is the difference between a NAD IV and a vitamin drip?

There are two main differences between a NAD IV and a Vitamin Drip: duration and ingredients. NAD IVs generally take couple of hours to administer per session while vitamin drips take 30 - 45 minutes. Our vitamin drips are specially blended to improve a variety of symptoms and ailments. Our NAD+ Boost treatments contains vitamins that can help make this IV more effective with longer-lasting effects.

Do I need any special supplies for my NAD IV appointment?

No, you do not need any special supplies. Our nurse will bring everything needed for the appointment.

Does NAD improve brain health and function?

NAD is believed to have potential benefits for brain health and function, although more research is needed to fully understand its effects. Some studies have suggested that NAD may have neuroprotective effects, meaning that it may help to protect the brain from damage and support healthy brain function. Additionally, NAD may support the production of neurotransmitters, which are chemicals that help to transmit signals between the brain's cells, and may help to improve cognitive function and memory.

NAD Injection Therapy

What are the benefits of NAD Injection Therapy?

NAD injection therapy is believed to have several potential benefits, including improving energy levels, supporting cognitive function, reducing inflammation, and supporting the body's natural detoxification processes. Additionally, NAD injection therapy is often used in combination with other treatments, such as IV vitamin therapy, to support the body's natural recovery processes and improve overall health and wellness.

What is the difference between NAD injection vs NAD IV therapy?

The main difference between NAD injection and NAD IV therapy is the method of delivery. NAD injection involves injecting NAD directly into the bloodstream using a syringe, while NAD IV therapy involves infusing NAD into the bloodstream through a small tube that is inserted into a vein.

What is the difference between NAD injections and NAD supplements?

The main difference between NAD injections and NAD supplements is the method of delivery. NAD injections involve injecting NAD directly into the bloodstream using a syringe, while NAD supplements are taken orally in the form of pills or capsules.

How to best self-administer a NAD injection?

When administering the injection, it is important to use a clean, sterile needle and syringe, and to inject the NAD into a vein using a slow, steady motion. It is also important to properly dispose of the used needles and syringes to avoid the risk of injury or infection. It is also important to carefully follow the instructions provided by the healthcare professional and the manufacturer of the NAD injection, including proper storage and handling of the injection and any necessary preparation steps.

NAD+ Nasal Spray

What are the benefits of NAD+ nasal spray?

NAD+ nasal spray is believed to have several potential benefits, including improving energy levels, supporting cognitive function, reducing inflammation, and supporting the body's natural detoxification processes.

What is the difference between NAD injection and NAD+ nasal spray?

The main difference between NAD injection and NAD+ nasal spray is the method of delivery. NAD injection involves injecting NAD directly into the bloodstream using a syringe, while NAD+ nasal spray involves delivering NAD directly into the bloodstream through the nose.

What is the difference between NAD+ nasal spray and NAD supplements?

The primary distinction between NAD+ nasal spray and NAD supplements is the route of administration. NAD+ nasal spray delivers NAD directly into the bloodstream via the nose, whereas NAD supplements are taken orally as tablets or capsules.

How often can I use the NAD+ nasal spray?

The frequency of NAD+ nasal spray use will depend on the specific product and the individual's needs and preferences. It is important to consult with a healthcare professional to determine the appropriate frequency of NAD+ nasal spray use, as well as any potential risks or side effects. In general, NAD+ nasal spray can be used daily or as needed, depending on the individual's goals and needs. It is also important to carefully follow the instructions provided by the healthcare professional and the manufacturer of the NAD+ nasal spray, including any recommended dosing guidelines and precautions.

What can I expect to feel after using the NAD+ nasal spray?

The effects of NAD+ nasal spray may vary depending on the individual and their unique physiology and health needs. In general, people may experience improved energy levels, cognitive function, and overall health and wellness after using NAD+ nasal spray. Additionally, NAD+ nasal spray may help to support the body's natural recovery processes and reduce the symptoms of conditions such as chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, and addiction.