Happy woman holding NAD pen for injection

The Types of NAD Treatment & Which Is Right for You

What is NAD and Why Should You Have More of It?

Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) is a coenzyme that your body naturally produces. This coenzyme plays a role in many different systems throughout your body, including maintaining muscle tone and function, encouraging healthy cell growth, counteracting tissue damage, and reversing damage to your mitochondria. NAD repairs and lengthens telomeres, the protective caps at the end of your DNA, which slows how quickly your body ages. The natural level of NAD present in your body decreases over time. Certain factors can accelerate this process, including stress, sleep problems, environmental factors, and drug use, to name a few.

DNA Repair

Restoring NAD in your body can help improve your health in many ways. NAD may help improve your metabolism and combat age-related diseases.1 It may also improve cognitive function. Early studies are promising for NAD’s role in reversing neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s.23

NAD supports healthy mitochondrial growth and function, so maintaining an optimal level of this coenzyme can promote positive long-term health outcomes.4 There are two main ways to supplement NAD in your body: supplements and IV infusions.

NAD's Role in Your Metabolism

NAD works on mitochondria and increases the length of telomeres, which are the protective caps located at the ends of chromosomes that become shorter as the body ages. NAD increases the activity of SIRT1 and PARP 1 proteins, which are linked with a slower rate of aging and influencing DNA repair respectively. – source

What Are the Types of NAD Treatments?

You can take NAD in several forms: as an IV, a daily oral pill, as an injection, or in a nasal spray. Regardless of which option you choose, the goal of NAD supplementation is the same: to maintain adequate levels of this coenzyme to support your health at the cellular level and help you feel your best. Let’s take a closer look at how each treatment type works.

IV NAD Therapy

IV treatments are administered directly into your bloodstream. Because intravenous NAD treatments bypass the digestive system altogether, this type of supplementation ensures 100% absorption. NAD is immediately available for use by your cells.

In addition to the benefits of the coenzyme itself, IV infusions have several additional benefits, including:

  • NAD is delivered via a saline solution which rehydrates your body.5
  • NAD infusions contain a blend of vitamins that can provide a wide range of health benefits.
  • The saline solution simultaneously flushes out toxins and free radicals. You can not only boost cellular health and regeneration, but you can also detoxify your body at the same time.
  • IV NAD treatments are most effective when used regularly over time. Long-term maintenance and cellular support contribute to less overall damage to your mitochondria, a slower aging rate, and better cognitive health.
Skeletal chemical formula of NAD.

Each treatment takes a minimum of four hours to administer one NAD IV infusion. When you have a busy lifestyle, you may not be able to take this much time out of your life on a regular basis. That’s where delivery IV comes into play. A direct-delivery IV NAD supplement is the perfect way for you to enjoy the benefits of this amazing coenzyme without compromising your time.

Oral NAD Supplements

Recently, NAD has become available in a cost-effective oral supplement form that is making headlines and gaining momentum for individuals aiming to recapture that youthful exuberance that has naturally diminished over the years.

Oral NAD supplements are absorbed by your digestive system, which is a complex process that impacts how much your body actually absorbs. In fact, oral supplement absorption rates vary from person to person due to factors such as individual circulatory systems, gastric emptying time, and the body’s reaction to the supplement itself.6

Because supplements are not fully absorbed, the relative bioavailability (the amount of a drug or supplement that your body can actually use) is less than IV treatments offer.7

stacked pills in a hand

As a result, oral NAD supplements are less effective than IV infusions.8 However, there are several benefits to oral supplements, including:

  • They are easy to obtain through online retailers or pharmacies
  • Their low cost means they are affordable for many people
  • They may also be ideal for individuals who have an aversion to needles
  • If you have an active lifestyle that keeps you on the move might even prefer the ease and convenience of an affordable, daily supplement over a more time-consuming NAD IV infusion

Oral supplements are also very safe. Immunocompromised patients may understandably prefer NAD in supplement form in order to minimize their exposure to intravenous methods of treatment that could cause an infection at the injection site.

NAD Injections

Individuals looking to remove brain fog while maximizing their athletic performance may have noticed that NAD is also now offered as an at-home, self-administered treatment in the form of NAD injections. Patients who may not be able to afford the luxury of time needed for a 3-to-4-hour IV drip can now feel the invigorating, energy-boosting effects of NAD in a fraction of the time.9 In addition to treatments requiring only a few minutes, they also take effect more quickly than oral supplements.

Nad Self Injection Happy Smiling Attractive Person Square

The process starts with a brief consultation with your doctor to ascertain eligibility and to make sure this treatment is right for you. Treatments are delivered directly to patient homes in the form of simple self-injections.

Order NAD+ Injections

NAD is essential to cellular health, but levels decline as we age. We offer self-administered NAD+ injections to replenish NAD levels, which may offer a variety of anti-aging benefits.

NAD Nasal Spray

Interested in the powerful and restorative benefits of NAD but not quite sold on the idea of injections of an IV drip or self-injection? At-home NAD nasal spray is now available for those looking to quickly restore their naturally declining NAD levels.

This intranasal spray grants quicker access to brain cells, making it especially advantageous for patients looking to strengthen neurological functions, improve focus and memory, and clear brain fog. 10 NAD nasal spray is delivered right to your home and is easily self-administered at home.

happy person sunset nad therapy iv

Order NAD+ Spray

Get self-administered NAD+ nasal spray to quickly replenish NAD levels. Intranasal delivery allows for quicker access to brain cells.

How To Choose Which NAD Treatment Is Best For You

Now that you know your options to choose from, the time has arrived to see which treatment is best suited for you and your lifestyle. Let’s take a look at some considerations for each type.

  • NAD IV drips remain the most complete method for total absorption and maximum effects. The included vitamins provide many potential energy and immune-boosting benefits to help rejuvenate patients faster.11 However, individuals with busy schedules may not be able to spend 3 – 4 hours waiting for a drip infusion. This option may not be suitable for individuals with an aversion to needles.
  • Self-injections are a rapid NAD boost that only takes a few seconds to administer. They provide a fast, concentrated dose of NAD and are ideal for individuals on a tight schedule. Much like NAD IV treatments, though, this option may not be ideal for individuals with an aversion to needles.
  • Oral supplements are easy to add to any supplementation routine and may be taken once or twice daily, depending on manufacturer instructions. This affordable option may not provide as powerful a dose of NAD as IV drips, but they are ideal for individuals on a budget or a tight schedule, as well as those who have an aversion to needles.
  • Nasal sprays, much like oral supplements, are used daily. This option is especially beneficial for individuals looking to improve mental clarity and cognitive function and boost mood and energy levels, but don’t need the extra vitamins or detox that IVs provide.

If you’re still unsure which option is right for you, it’s important to discuss with your doctor before embarking on any new treatment.

Every NAD treatment from Drip Hydration includes comprehensive telemedicine consultations with your medical provider so there is no need to worry about risk of exposure to viruses or airborne illness. Patients with concerns regarding privacy can rest assured they won’t be seen at their local clinic and that their treatments will be conducted in a confidential manner.

Regardless of which option you choose, NAD treatments from Drip Hydration bring together the age-reversing and brain-restoring benefits that define NAD and can help you get back to peak performance.

Take the First Step towards Better Health with NAD Therapy

Take control of your health and address your biggest health concerns with NAD therapy. Consult with a trusted medical professional today to explore the potential benefits of NAD and find personalized solutions for your unique needs.

  • Convenience
  • Comfort
  • Privacy
  • Personalized care
  • Flexible scheduling

Transform your health with NAD therapy and experience the life-changing benefits of personalized treatment tailored to your unique needs.

NAD - Frequently Asked Questions

What is NAD?

NAD is a coenzyme that is naturally produced by the body and is essential for various physiological processes, including energy production and DNA repair. It is found in all living cells and plays a critical role in many of the body's metabolic processes. NAD is a dinucleotide, which means that it consists of two nucleotides joined together. It is made up of two molecules: nicotinamide and adenine, which are joined together by a phosphate group.

NAD is involved in a wide range of biological processes, including the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, and is essential for the proper functioning of the body's cells and tissues.

What can I expect during a NAD IV treatment?

Our nurse will arrive at your location of choice with all the equipment necessary for the appointment. They will then administer the IV into your arm and stay with you to monitor the treatment and answer any questions you may have.

Our NAD IV treatments generally last couple of hours per session. You can sit back, watch a movie or a favorite show, browse social media, or even work while the treatment is in progress.

What sets Drip Hydration apart from other NAD IV treatment providers?

Drip Hydration brings appointments directly to you whether you are at home, at a hotel, or at the office. We make getting at home NAD IV treatments easy and convenient, saving you the time and hassle of sitting in traffic or waiting in a clinic.

Is NAD right for me?

You don’t have to wait until you are experiencing a medical condition to enjoy the benefits of NAD IV therapy. NAD plays a role in hundreds of chemical functions throughout your body. This versatile treatment helps promote whole-body wellness and can help your body maintain optimal performance over time.

Is IV therapy FDA approved?

IV therapy in general is FDA approved. Our nurses are overseen by our Medical Director, Abe Malkin, and every nurse is registered and certified per state standards.

Is NAD safe?

NAD is considered a dietary supplement, not a drug. The FDA does not currently evaluate dietary supplements in their current regulations. However, NAD is well-tolerated, meaning that there are rarely side effects.

How long do IV treatments take?

Our IV NAD treatments take couple of hours to administer per session. The number of sessions vary by individual and will be determined during your initial consultation.

Does NAD help battle aging?

Some studies have suggested that NAD may have anti-aging effects by helping to support the production of enzymes that are involved in DNA repair and maintenance, which are essential for maintaining healthy cells and tissues. Additionally, NAD may support the production of enzymes that are involved in the body's natural detoxification processes, which can help to reduce the effects of oxidative stress and support healthy aging. 

Does NAD Improve metabolic function?

Some studies have suggested that NAD may support healthy metabolism by helping to regulate the body's energy production and utilization, and may also support the production of enzymes that are involved in various metabolic processes. Additionally, NAD may support the body's natural detoxification processes, which are important for maintaining overall health and wellness.

How often can I get an NAD treatment?

NAD IV treatments are most effective when used over time. You can get treatments several times per month unless you are otherwise advised during your initial consultation.

What can I expect to feel after a NAD IV drip?

Following a NAD IV drip, most patients feel more energetic, clearer-headed, and focused. Regular treatments may improve these effects over time.

Is there any downtime or recovery after a NAD drip?

Not at all! You can resume your normal activities immediately after your appointment. Where do you deliver NAD IV treatments? Drip Hydration delivers NAD IV treatments anywhere within our service areas, which you can find on our service area pages. That said, we recommend choosing a comfortable place for NAD treatments since this type of IV couple of hours per appointment.

How is IV NAD better than an oral NAD supplement?

IV NAD is delivered directly into your bloodstream, where it becomes available to your cells for immediate use. Because NAD bypasses the digestive and metabolic systems, you can expect a 100% absorption rate for maximum effect and minimal waste. Oral NAD supplements, on the other hand, must pass through your digestive system, where they are partly metabolized before your body has access to orally given NAD.

What is the difference between a NAD IV and a vitamin drip?

There are two main differences between a NAD IV and a Vitamin Drip: duration and ingredients. NAD IVs generally take couple of hours to administer per session while vitamin drips take 30 - 45 minutes. Our vitamin drips are specially blended to improve a variety of symptoms and ailments. Our NAD+ Boost treatments contains vitamins that can help make this IV more effective with longer-lasting effects.

Do I need any special supplies for my NAD IV appointment?

No, you do not need any special supplies. Our nurse will bring everything needed for the appointment.

Does NAD improve brain health and function?

NAD is believed to have potential benefits for brain health and function, although more research is needed to fully understand its effects. Some studies have suggested that NAD may have neuroprotective effects, meaning that it may help to protect the brain from damage and support healthy brain function. Additionally, NAD may support the production of neurotransmitters, which are chemicals that help to transmit signals between the brain's cells, and may help to improve cognitive function and memory.

NAD Injection Therapy

What are the benefits of NAD Injection Therapy?

NAD injection therapy is believed to have several potential benefits, including improving energy levels, supporting cognitive function, reducing inflammation, and supporting the body's natural detoxification processes. Additionally, NAD injection therapy is often used in combination with other treatments, such as IV vitamin therapy, to support the body's natural recovery processes and improve overall health and wellness.

What is the difference between NAD injection vs NAD IV therapy?

The main difference between NAD injection and NAD IV therapy is the method of delivery. NAD injection involves injecting NAD directly into the bloodstream using a syringe, while NAD IV therapy involves infusing NAD into the bloodstream through a small tube that is inserted into a vein.

What is the difference between NAD injections and NAD supplements?

The main difference between NAD injections and NAD supplements is the method of delivery. NAD injections involve injecting NAD directly into the bloodstream using a syringe, while NAD supplements are taken orally in the form of pills or capsules.

How to best self-administer a NAD injection?

When administering the injection, it is important to use a clean, sterile needle and syringe, and to inject the NAD into a vein using a slow, steady motion. It is also important to properly dispose of the used needles and syringes to avoid the risk of injury or infection. It is also important to carefully follow the instructions provided by the healthcare professional and the manufacturer of the NAD injection, including proper storage and handling of the injection and any necessary preparation steps.

NAD+ Nasal Spray

What are the benefits of NAD+ nasal spray?

NAD+ nasal spray is believed to have several potential benefits, including improving energy levels, supporting cognitive function, reducing inflammation, and supporting the body's natural detoxification processes.

What is the difference between NAD injection and NAD+ nasal spray?

The main difference between NAD injection and NAD+ nasal spray is the method of delivery. NAD injection involves injecting NAD directly into the bloodstream using a syringe, while NAD+ nasal spray involves delivering NAD directly into the bloodstream through the nose.

What is the difference between NAD+ nasal spray and NAD supplements?

The primary distinction between NAD+ nasal spray and NAD supplements is the route of administration. NAD+ nasal spray delivers NAD directly into the bloodstream via the nose, whereas NAD supplements are taken orally as tablets or capsules.

How often can I use the NAD+ nasal spray?

The frequency of NAD+ nasal spray use will depend on the specific product and the individual's needs and preferences. It is important to consult with a healthcare professional to determine the appropriate frequency of NAD+ nasal spray use, as well as any potential risks or side effects. In general, NAD+ nasal spray can be used daily or as needed, depending on the individual's goals and needs. It is also important to carefully follow the instructions provided by the healthcare professional and the manufacturer of the NAD+ nasal spray, including any recommended dosing guidelines and precautions.

What can I expect to feel after using the NAD+ nasal spray?

The effects of NAD+ nasal spray may vary depending on the individual and their unique physiology and health needs. In general, people may experience improved energy levels, cognitive function, and overall health and wellness after using NAD+ nasal spray. Additionally, NAD+ nasal spray may help to support the body's natural recovery processes and reduce the symptoms of conditions such as chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, and addiction.


[1] Srivastava S. - Emerging therapeutic roles for NAD(+) metabolism in mitochondrial and age-related disorders.;

[2] Long AN. - Effect of nicotinamide mononucleotide on brain mitochondrial respiratory deficits in an Alzheimer's disease-relevant murine model.;

[3] Yao Z. - Nicotinamide mononucleotide inhibits JNK activation to reverse Alzheimer disease.;

[4] Stein LR. - The dynamic regulation of NAD metabolism in mitochondria.;

[5] Tonog P. - Normal Saline.;

[6] Huang W. - Mechanistic approaches to predicting oral drug absorption.;

[7] Kimura T. - Analysis of factors governing drug absorption and their improvement.;

[8] Gavhane YN. - Loss of orally administered drugs in GI tract.;

[9] Rajman L. - Therapeutic Potential of NAD-Boosting Molecules: The In Vivo Evidence.;

[10] Ying, Weihai et al. “Intranasal administration with NAD+ profoundly decreases brain injury in a rat model of transient focal ischemia.” Frontiers in bioscience : a journal and virtual library vol. 12 2728-34. 1 Jan. 2007, doi:10.2741/2267;

[11] Idoine R. - Impact of Boosting NAD on Immune Function: Results From NR Preclinical Studies.;