An annual influenza vaccine is potentially lifesaving, especially for those who are at higher risk of contracting flu such as mothers-to-be. Pregnant women are more likely to experience severe symptoms if they contract flu: changes to their immune system during pregnancy cause higher susceptibility to and complications from flu. With this in mind, can you get a flu shot while pregnant or breastfeeding?
Is it safe to get a flu shot while pregnant?
Yes, it is safe to get a flu shot while pregnant. Flu shots are advised for all persons over the age of 6 months, including women who are pregnant or breastfeeding. Millions of flu vaccinations have been given to pregnant and breastfeeding women.
All 2021 – 2022 flu vaccines protect against four types of flu. There are several different variants of the flu vaccine, some of which are created with specific high-risk populations or allergens in mind. The CDC advises the traditional flu shot for pregnant women as opposed to the nasal spray vaccine, which is created from a live flu virus. The traditional flu shot is comprised of dead, inactive genetic material from the virus.
It is particularly important to get vaccinated while pregnant as children under the age of 6 months cannot get a flu vaccine, and mothers transfer immunity in the form of antibodies to their unborn children.
Why get vaccinated while pregnant?
Influenza is dangerous for a developing baby. An infection of flu is likely to result in fever, a symptom associated with birth defects and poor health of a developing child. Vaccines are the most effective way to prevent a flu infection that can possibly result in these adverse symptoms.
The flu shot can also help protect the mother’s help. As discovered in a 2018 study, vaccination can also help reduce the risk of the mother developing complications or requiring hospitalization while ill.
Furthermore, vaccination of mothers can transfer immunity to their babies, which is especially valuable as infants cannot get their flu vaccine until they are at least 6 months old. Young children have less effective immune systems and are more prone to infection than adults.
What are the side effects of the flu shot?
There are some minor, potential side effects from the flu shot, such as:
- Redness at the injection side
- Swelling
- Body aches
- Fatigue
- Low grade fever
These are normal side effects attributable to the body’s immune response to the vaccine and are not indicative of an infection.
In-Home Flu Shots With Drip Hydration
Instead of getting a flu shot while sick, shield yourself and those around you by getting an in-home flu shot with Drip Hydration. Our team of medical professionals will bring your vaccination needs right to your door. We make it as convenient as possible to get your annual flu shot.
- How To Know The Difference Between Flu And Covid-19
- Flu Shot FAQ
- What Is The Cost Of A Flu Shot?
- What Ingredients Are In A Flu Shot?
- Why Do You Feel Fatigued After Getting A Flu Shot?
- Is The Flu Shot Safe For Seniors?
- Are Redness And Swelling Normal Flu Shot Symptoms?
- Is It Possible To Get The Flu From A Flu Shot?
- Can You Get A Flu Shot While Sick?
- When Should Children Begin Getting Flu Shots?
- How Effective Is A Flu Shot?
- What Flu Shot Side Effects Can You Expect?
- When Is The Best Time To Get A Flu Shot?