A woman feeling fatigued while touching her forehead and holding books and notepads.

Why Do You Feel Fatigued After Getting A Flu Shot?

Every year, seasonal flu causes millions of hospitalizations and thousands of deaths. The winter and fall months are marked by an increase in flu cases, hence the term “seasonal flu”. Influenza causes fever and respiratory ailment. It can lead to pneumonia and respiratory failure. Flu vaccines are the best way to prevent an influenza infection, but why do you get fatigued after getting a flu shot?

Using an inactive, weakened form of the virus, the vaccine exposes the body to genetic indicators which allow for the immune system to create antibodies which prevent infection. It’s also why you can also get fatigued after taking a flu shot – even though the vaccine does not give you the flu, your body responds to the flu shot the same way it does to an actual infection.

What other side effects can you expect?

There are some minor side effects associated with the flu shot. Most commonly reported are tenderness and swelling which are caused by the injection. Flu shots are also associated with low grade fever, nausea, and body aches. These are natural side effects and bodily responses to the vaccine. Flu shots will use an inactive form of the virus and are therefore unable to cause infection.

In the unlikely event that these symptoms become more severe, it could be a sign of a rare allergic reaction to the vaccine, and medical attention should be sought. Signs of an allergic reaction include labored breathing, swelling of the eyes or lips, hives, paleness, weakness, or a racing heart.

In-Home Flu Shots With Drip Hydration

Being fatigued is a normal side effect after a flu shot and is a sign that your vaccine is working as it should. Fatigue, along with any other symptoms you may experience, typically go away within several days. To help you protect yourself and those around you from the flu, Drip Hydration brings safe flu shots right to your home at your convenience.